I will show my tank if any of you like to see it, but I have to warn you that it has not been in good condition in the last couple of months. Basically, I got busy at work and did not trim the touching corals for a while. Initially only the touching parts die off a little bit, and I thought nature growth control should be fine. After extensitve amount of touching, my whole blue tip tenius colony (it's a big dense colony at least 12 inches across) suddenly start going south, and slowly many other colonies/mini-colonies followed it. So far I lost at least 15 corals (I did not count, only remembered the sad feeling of throwing away these dead/half dead corals), and the milliporas are hit the hardest. Many corals also lost colors. Adding insult to injury, the dying corals fouled the water, and I have a lot of algaes growing in the tank also. What a mess! The amazing thing is it is still overcrowded after all these dying, I must have stuffed way too many corals in there in the first place.
At the moment, the death seems to be slowing down, and I am just waiting and wishing for the trend to reverse. I wish I could do something about it, but really do not what to do. I checked for pests, but could not find any. I am trying to switch away from Reef Crystal now, but am not sure if it is the cause at all. It is very similar to what happened to some of the SPS tanks posted on RC.
Given above warnings stated, I will still be happy to show my tank as long as you do not set your expectation high.