Reef nutrition

Best hang on skimmer?

Hello all, I have been running my 40 breeder about 4 years with no skimmer. Things have always been great but recently my time devoted to maintenance and water changes has been cut significantly. To keep things stable I would like to purchase a hang on skimmer that is easy to maintain, kicks ass and is quiet. The tank has a small bioload but I do have a decent amount of corals both stony and softy. Looking for suggestions thanks everyone.
Well one issue is that I have a very nice gift certificate to dr foster and smith and I do like the reef octopus but they don't sell it. They do sell the aqua c remora which I have seen used on many tanks. Should I run with it ?
if that's your only option I'm sure you won't be disappointed it's pretty simple & easy to take care of, I can't say that there are any real negatives about it or how it's designed.
I really think you would be blown away by the Reef Octopus. The bublle blaster pumps are amazing. They make a huge difference and put's them above other brands IMO. They do cost a bit though in terms of HOB. I have used Aqua C remora's as well. They aren't bad, but personally I would rather put the money towards the Reef Octopus.
eldiablosrt8 said:
Look into the aquamaxx HOB its a sleeper but deltec n octopus are s weet

+1 on the Aquamaxx HOB recommended by Jess. It is quiet compared to the Remora and uses a Chinese-made Atman pump that is surprisingly effective and energy efficient. For peace of mind the collection cup drains back into the skimmer in case of overflow, so you are much less likely to come home to find water on your floor.
Well one issue is that I have a very nice gift certificate to dr foster and smith and I do like the reef octopus but they don't sell it. They do sell the aqua c remora which I have seen used on many tanks. Should I run with it ?
I want to buy a used deltec mce 600