got ethical husbandry?

Best reef read in a long time

At this stage in time, it's obvious that you have some information from part two that ties "the point" together, because part one doesn't have one beyond an inflammatory article set up to cause bs drama. You can call it "satire" but to me, with the big banner across the top of the page saying "ADVERTISE HERE MANG!!" I still think profit is the motive.

Again, you want to claim "the point" is to discourage the sales of small unhealthy single polyp frags, which this article doesn't successfully do. If that is the "point" here then the author fails so miserably it is a bit funny. Maybe this is why you are laughing?

And again, directly to your supposed point, the reefbeef forum on RA is exponentially more effective at that "point" than this article is so far, even if he calls out two businesses that are guilty as sin. On RA, people sign their names to their accusations and provide proof in a lot of the cases. There are several vendors I stay away from because of that forum. I highly doubt this silly article would affect my opinion at all, because the author basically says: "Listen to me, I KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS, I'm EDUMAAJATED!!!" Meanwhile he won't sign his(or her, in the english language male is the default, not an assumption. I assume this is a person, and I write in english, therefore correct grammar specifies that I should use the male pronoun if I don't know, instead of calling the author an "it" which I guess is the option you'd choose?) name, or provide any proof, or do anything other than make inept analogies and babble about his anonymous credentials which we can't verify.

I may be grumpy as hell, but when someone expects to influence me by smacking me upside the head with a degree as the entire core of their argument I call bullshit. As a scientist, I would have expected you to as well, although I'm well aware that's not REALLY how modern science works. I grew up seventh day adventist and I have ZERO faith left for pseudo religions, I require actual facts, and arguments need to be at least slightly convincing. Also, I require sentences to go on forever and have loads of commas, because they are awesome.

In other words, maybe this article is good because part two saves it. It's a massive fail so far, even as satire. It's a successful cliffhanger, but has no core.
anathema said:
At this stage in time, it's obvious that you have some information from part two that ties "the point" together, because part one doesn't have one beyond an inflammatory article set up to cause bs drama.

Obvious in the sense that I said I read it, you bet.
You keep making up intent. I think that is a bad idea.

You can call it "satire" but to me, with the big banner across the top of the page saying "ADVERTISE HERE MANG!!" I still think profit is the motive.

Profit is the wrong word. The guy who owns MR and R.C has been pouring money into the hobby for years because he likes it. The site is new, so of course they are interested in getting people to read the site.

Again, you want to claim "the point" is to discourage the sales of small unhealthy single polyp frags, which this article doesn't successfully do.

I never said that was the point.

If that is the "point" here then the author fails so miserably it is a bit funny. Maybe this is why you are laughing?


And again, directly to your supposed point, the reefbeef forum on RA is exponentially more effective at that "point" than this article is so far, even if he calls out two businesses that are guilty as sin. On RA, people sign their names to their accusations and provide proof in a lot of the cases. There are several vendors I stay away from because of that forum. I highly doubt this silly article would affect my opinion at all, because the author basically says: "Listen to me, I KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS, I'm EDUMAAJATED!!!" Meanwhile he won't sign his(or her, in the english language male is the default, not an assumption. I assume this is a person, and I write in english, therefore correct grammar specifies that I should use the male pronoun if I don't know, instead of calling the author an "it" which I guess is the option you'd choose?) name, or provide any proof, or do anything other than make inept analogies and babble about his anonymous credentials which we can't verify.

Yes you are missing the point. A lot.

I may be grumpy as hell, but when someone expects to influence me by smacking me upside the head with a degree as the entire core of their argument I call bullshit.

Its a frikin blog post.

As a scientist, I would have expected you to as well, although I'm well aware that's not REALLY how modern science works.

The blog post isn't science. Its opinion/entertainment.

In other words, maybe this article is good because part two saves it. It's a massive fail so far, even as satire. It's a successful cliffhanger, but has no core.

Dude, its a blog post, not an article.
I have to admit that part-1 seems rather low on actual content, but since the main advocate has
seen part-2, I will keep an open mind on that.

What I really want to state - I think the problem is no so simple.

On one hand: I would like to see the worst hype-offenders ousted.
Those that do absurd enhancements with photoshop, promise the world, and deliver crud.
Although, if you see "limited edition" next to a picture with colors that are simply
impossible in nature, common sense should prevail.

On the other hand: I would actually like to see more "signature" type lines.
Really what I want is "certified", but that is not really practical, so the next
best thing is to have someone with a great reputation put their approval on it.
What I would pay extra for:
1) True second generation. (The piece I buy was grown in an aquarium)
2) Colonies that are known to be reasonable to grow in an aquarium.
3) Time spent on good mother colony pictures. (Still photo shopped, but to get it right, not to enhance)
4) Larger frags. (Pet peeve that there is limited sizes in the middle)
5) Coral that is originally collected somewhat environmentally/sustainable/etc.
I think the difference here Rich is that you seem to have looked at the content bare in an email and missed the actual presentation. In an email, I can see how this would be taken as a lighthearted read.

However in the context of a page headed by an overly color saturated banner that says "advertise here!" it takes on another light entirely. I'm not making up motives, they smack you in the face and it comes across as an attempt at viral marketing.

In any case, if that is representative of the content I can expect from this site I don't expect it to come up in my searches often. Guess I'll drop out of the conversation here.
I mostly hold the same opinion as the person writing the blog. I can see why people pay for really nicely colored corals but I was turned off by a lot of them (recently chalices) because of the amazingly high prices for a slow growing fingernail clipping size frags.

I don't think there should be trends in coral, it didn't make sense when I started (not that long ago), and the longer I am in the hobby the more I am reaffirmed in my thinking.

I have noticed that people making purchases have started asking for more photos under real lighting (not blue) so I feel the crazy LE trend will slowly get back to reality. In the end all colors and corals available should be available at reasonable prices at some point it may take a few years before a normal person can afford a "LE reverse psycho plasma highbeam flying saucer of watermelon hornet godTM" but eventually they trickle down to fairly common :D

Using Greshams analogy with a twist, If you could take a paint chip off of a Ferrari and have a full grown Ferrari in a year and a bunch of people did the same, the Ferrari would become a VW and everyone could have a one in a few years :D Which is why I mostly don't bother arguing or getting mad at people who market and sell "high end" coral.
anathema said:
I think the difference here Rich is that you seem to have looked at the content bare in an email and missed the actual presentation. In an email, I can see how this would be taken as a lighthearted read.

That is wrong. I see it in the same place you do.

However in the context of a page headed by an overly color saturated banner that says "advertise here!" it takes on another light entirely. I'm not making up motives, they smack you in the face and it comes across as an attempt at viral marketing.

But you are giving them too much weight. Its a new site, during its soft opening, and of course they are looking for advitersers. Big deal.

In any case, if that is representative of the content I can expect from this site I don't expect it to come up in my searches often. Guess I'll drop out of the conversation here.

Last word!
No me, I lied!

Can we include the guys with barebottom tanks in the frag whore column? My aesthetic tastes are the paragon, after all, and I think sand is pretty! Tanks without sand are destroying the hobby.

:D :p
They aren't destroying the hobby, they are an abomination, down with bare bottom tanks!

-From jealous sandy bottomed reefer.
anathema said:
No me, I lied!

Yes, that is almost always the case when someone says they are leaving a thread. I never understood why people make the 'I'm leaving' declaration.

Can we include the guys with barebottom tanks in the frag whore column? My aesthetic tastes are the paragon, after all, and I think sand is pretty! Tanks without sand are destroying the hobby.

You can include whatever you like. I wish you all speed in writing and finding a place to post.

And again, you are missing the point! :D
It was humorous, but I do admit, I did find it hollow and lacking of substance even as a "part". Hopefully part 2 makes up for it ;)
I don't get why people are getting so upset, maybe their offended? Its just a blog the guy felt like voicing his opinions. Although his arguments may not be completely solid, the post was done in a funny and entertaining way. If you don't think its funny, good for you. He/she isn't forcing you to read it or acknowledge his/ or her points. The author says so herself:
It isn’t my intention to say who is right or wrong or that one side is better than the other. It isn’t my goal to debase the value of these corals or the people who collect them. It is not a deep rooted dream to insult the speculators have added this new aspect to the hobby.
Getting upset every time someone says something you don't agree upon on the internet would just drive you nuts.

How are his frag prices any different then the uber high end corals, fish and equipment Reef Builders posts about every day?
BAR tradionally has kept the vendor bashing next to nill. Such comments not only reflect poorly on the club, it makes the Sponsorship BOD roll much much harder. As some one that stepped up to the plate to do that job in the past I would hope you keep that in mind before posting such comments here on BAR.

Not to mention I had invited him out to BAYMAC.
I have/had no intention putting down Jason Fox what so ever, and my post was made in a rather joking way. I greatly respect the guy, and all I was doing was ridiculing the common forum opinion of "rippoff Jason fox"
Joost_ said:
I don't get why people are getting so upset, maybe their offended?

My theory - The blog author, and several of the posters, ARE in fact Jason Fox, who actually works
under cover for the Federal Bureau of Coral Importation. (Or maybe the tang police. Never can tell.)
rygh said:
Joost_ said:
I don't get why people are getting so upset, maybe their offended?

My theory - The blog author, and several of the posters, ARE in fact Jason Fox, who actually works
under cover for the Federal Bureau of Coral Importation. (Or maybe the tang police. Never can tell.)
Darn it! you busted us. Be at Steinhart at 11 , there you will find further instructions for a meeting. DO NOT TELL ANYONE!
It was kinda "meh", but this was funny:

*yawn* ... there's a Semi-Annual-Frag-Whore(tm)-Bashing tradition in the hobby, folks trying to understand why coral prices seem to have no rhyme or reason behind them, and others hyping the situation to maximum $effect. It's been an open question forever, and likely will continue to be well after "Part 2" is posted.

I've blatantly, shamelessly been on both sides of that little fight, sooo... 0:)

Anyway, in the end what I hope reefers do at some point is come to terms with what keeps THEM as individuals interested in the hobby - for some of us it's the collect-a-thon of the most rare LE whatsits. Others, it's about growing that 2-polyp frag of brown micropthalma into the size of an economy car, and some just want a pretty toy in the middle of the living room, etc. Nobody's WRONG exactly so long as they're doing what's right for them, and being sure to treat the creatures in their care with respect.

It's time to understand that we've all got different interpretations of reefing and that's no cause to start WW3. There's room for everybody.