High Tide Aquatics

Best reef read in a long time

Gomer said:
So what you are saying, is that I need to put a laser on something.....right?
That would be the engineering way. Far to simple and effective.
This is a philosophical and psychological argument.
Or at least I think it was.
Or maybe I am just imagining that I think I thought it was.

Or maybe it was a really bad idea to revisit this thread after drinking a bit.
Gomer: Too funny of a comment. That was perfect. I'm getting some tissue now to wipe my tears cause I can't stop laughing.

Phew. I walked away and am better now. Oh wait. No.....still laughing.

Phew again. Man, that was good. I love this hobby. I haven't had a good laugh like that for awhile now. I feel pretty damn rejuvenated now. So good in fact that I'm going to clean some filter socks now.
hate the guy for making me wait! The whole diatribe about photographic techniques could have easily been made into a single article.

But then again, I guess there was a method to being somewhat elusive in what he was blaming to bring out the emotion in various readers.
Although I agree the article features a nice twist and had me cracking up, if we're gonna blame macro photography we might as well blame photographs in general, or color photographs, or forums, or the internet in general, or a dozens of other things. I also don't like that PS is put down in general, it can be a very helpful tool in "de-actinitizing" online pictures. Maybe the lack of sleep is the reason this post seems so cranky so I'll stop here, to end with a positive note it gave a great insight into a big part of the designer coral craze, and it's definitely bookmarked.