Reef nutrition

Bobs 180 Reborn

@sfsuphysics just for you...i made the effort to take an apples-to-apples shot... ;)

Thank you to Chris ( Rostato ) for some nice sps. I was able to get a piece of the CB Purple Fusion back. Oregon Tort , Strawberry Shortcake , Atlantic Blue Tenuis , Beach Bum Monti and a few others
Also want to thank Dudley (dswong01 ) for getting me a few sps from SF. I’m not on RC so I would not have seen this. Orange Passion , Adam Bomb and a Red Milli
Good thing you did, he got overwhelmed very quickly apparently. I missed out on the Walt Disney Junior, but it's fine, got some good stuff from him anyways.
A few updates and more pics to come. 3 wrasses in qt , Katherine , Divided and a Potters. Last week was an awesome pick up on sps thanks to Omar and Mike B. Saying thank you enough wouldn’t cover it. Also landed the plate coral from Lazy Reefer. Max came threw on some Goni’s he grabbed from when I sold off all my corals. Grabbed a nice Indo torch from AC. Edgar also tossed a few nice Acro’s my way. The club is truly awesome