Ok all. Here are some pictures. I'll have to get the pics that Denzil took. These phone pics don't do it justice.
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Denzil put tape down before siliconing, so we have nice, clean lines.
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Oh, and here's the newest member of our family

His name's Jak-Jak. Someone brought him in last Friday to our clinic to be euthanized after being attacked by what we think was a very large rat, and then was found face down in the water bowl. He was almost dead, but the Dr. had to try. This was my first attempt as a foster. Obviously fostering won't be my thing as I can't give them up.

He came from a feral colony and is the runt of the litter, and the Dr. thinks that he may have been deprived of O2 in the womb, as he is a little special. But that's ok, he's doing great now! He's gained almost a full pound since I've had him (he's 5 weeks old and should be close to 2lbs.. he was .88lbs when he came to the clinic). He's up and running (well, sort of, his balance is kind of off) and is very loved and he knows it.
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