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Confirmed - Monterey Bay Aquarium Tour - Sat June 16th 1:30pm for tour - pics added

Jelly Lab Breeding Facility
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Tank filled with small nickle sized jellies

The next three pic are of various types of baby jellies. As babies they have a foot and stay connected to a solid object like a tiny anemone. Eventually they let go and the foot goes away.
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Jelly Lifecycle
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Growing huge vats of baby jelly food. The cylinders were made from flat fiberglass sheeting with a seam in the back. There is a four foot fluorescent light fixture behind each cylinder.
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Reactions: JVU
Behind the drifters display tanks

Side walls of display tanks are where they inject the light sources for the exhibits.
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Jellyfish Retirement Plan, Who Knew?
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Largest drifter tank of its kind
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Reactions: JVU
Outer Bay Exhibit - Top Side

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This Sea Turtle had fun splashing Arnold
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Outside the Outer Bay exhibit. Nice views of Cannery Row
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Yes, it was windy. The gray platform that we are all circled around lowers 12 feet into the water. This is used to introduce new specimens into the holding tank connected to the Outer Bay exhibit.
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Reactions: JVU
I went with my family a week or two before you guys. It’s pretty amazing seeing the exhibits as they’re displayed and then see the behind the scenes areas. That open ocean tank is massive.
Real Name / BAR handle/Location if you are open for carpooling.
1. Arnold Pon / Apon / Maybe from SF (Not sure yet)
2. Randy Chan / RandyC / No / (2 adults + 2 kids)
3. Jon Mosbacher / jonmos75 / No / (1, possibly 2)
4. John / JVU / open to carpool but don’t need to (from Walnut Creek) (1, possibly 2)
5. Matt Yeow/Mozby/Union City (carpool depends on if my family is coming along)
6. Mike/SFSUphysics/No/(2 adults + toddler)
7. Asia & Matt / Ashalye & Coral4me / No / (2 adults + 1 kid)
8. Jeff Rehling/same/carpool yes/SF/+1 (wife)