Neptune Aquatics

Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

I am done treating for red bugs (and white bugs) hopefully it worked and I don’t see anymore. I never did see red bugs, but who knows.
I’ll keep checking Daily with the mesoscope for awhile. Anyone who is brave enough to take frags I’m ready to start giving them out again
Really? It does not work?

Bayer dip kills normal large copepods quite quickly. I have seen it happen personally, many times, as I treat incoming frags.
I didn’t say it doesn’t work. I said I have seen online people who have said it doesn’t work. I have no direct experience. I don’t like Bayer. It’s nasty stuff
Red bugs = interceptor treatment, super easy ... but it is a "controlled substance" in the vet industry for some reason, so unless you have a dog or know a vet it may be difficult to get, and for every story about someone saying "Just print out the studies and explain this to any vet" I've seen at least 1 story of someone who did do that and it didn't work.

Not sure if it treats "white bugs" though
Red bugs = interceptor treatment, super easy ... but it is a "controlled substance" in the vet industry for some reason, so unless you have a dog or know a vet it may be difficult to get, and for every story about someone saying "Just print out the studies and explain this to any vet" I've seen at least 1 story of someone who did do that and it didn't work.

Not sure if it treats "white bugs" though
It seems to, but without actually knowing what they are exactly time will have to tell.
Red bugs = interceptor treatment, super easy ... but it is a "controlled substance" in the vet industry for some reason, so unless you have a dog or know a vet it may be difficult to get, and for every story about someone saying "Just print out the studies and explain this to any vet" I've seen at least 1 story of someone who did do that and it didn't work.

Not sure if it treats "white bugs" though
My understanding is the reason its controlled, is if you give it to a dog or cat that HAS heartworm, it can kill the animal. Thats why vets require a heartworm test before prescribing preventative (interceptor)

Bayer dip kills them
hard to dip your whole tank. I have also heard bayer doesnt kill them, but dont have my own experience to back that up. things like CoralRX will kill amphipods and bristleworms, but also doesnt seem to phase redbugs from what i have read.
As I understand it, the issue with Bayer and red bugs is that it kills the bugs, but not the eggs. Interceptor may well have the same issue, but because you can put it in the display you can leave it there for the duration of the lifecycle whereas you cannot do this with Bayer.
Exactly, so even if Bayer worked the same, you would still have to do it three times, plus have it contained in a hospital tank that was fully treated or hope (hope is not a plan) that nothing got off the piece being dipped.
I’m trying to explain why while it’s a good preventative measure, a Bayer dip at introduction alone is insufficient to guarantee no introduction of these.