Cali Kid Corals

Featured DBTC / PIF / Trades for 2/23 Frag Swap

This is all pif. If anyone is intrested.

50 lbs bag of play sand. Probably 30lbs left in it. This is used by some people for reef tanks as a super budget option. Would need to be washed out good before use. It's suppose to be better than normal bulk sand and much cleaner.
Brs calcium dosing stuff if you need it I'm sure you know what it actually is.
2 little fishes phosban reactor

rodi system

Reach out if intrested otherwise I will just put it all on the freebie table for anyone. Bringing alot of other random stuff besides what I’ve already set up with specific people.
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@Invictus I added your corals to sheet, not sure how many quantity you're offering though.

Lots of good stuff still available DBTC unclaimed:
  • Goldenrod Anacropora
  • Manila Spy
  • RR Prometheus
  • Milka Stylo
  • Daisy Cutter Zoa
  • Cala Cali
  • Rainbow BTA
  • Tequila Sunrise shroom
  • German Blue Digi
  • Iron Man shroom
  • WWC Rainbow Madness Cyphastrea
  • Green Turbinaria
For trade:
  • JF Jolt
  • GMK Colony
  • Derek's sump rubble
  • FF Digi Colony
  • Rainbow BTA
  • Mini Carpet Anemone

What kinds of acros are you looking for the GMKs?