Maybe there should be some sort of rule that you can only hold so many DBTC corals before you need to pass some on before you get more. That way it’ll stop people from just collecting DBTC and not passing any on. For example (just made up number), I can get 3 DBTC and grow them out, if I pass one on in the chain, only then am I able to get another one. That way only people successfully passing on coral will continue to get coral. If they’re just doing it to get free coral, at least they’ll only get away with a maximum amount instead of continuously collecting and never passing on.None of those points have any interest to me at all to start a new DBTC. I used to start a DBTC in hopes to spread the coral and bank a coral. Most people here have used it to get free coral. Almost all chains don’t last past a single level. I don’t even participate in DBTCs anymore because I’ve seen that they eventually die because only a few members pass on frags after getting them.
If you’re going to encourage anything, it’s not the originator that needs to be incentivized, there are plenty of those types of members here to do that, it’s the continuation/propagation of the coral that is the largest problem and finding a way to get rid of the “freeloaders.”
I’ll admit I’m definitely part of the problem in the sense that I never really started any DBTC because I see a lot of chains that just die off because people kept the coral and never passed anything on. I’ve never sold coral, only gave it to other members who I trust believe in spreading the coral once they grow it out and want to give back to the club. If there was changes made to the current program where we limit freeloaders, myself and I think many other people would be interested in adding to DBTC. Currently, in theory it’s great, but unfortunately doesn’t play out as it should. Seeing those numbers @Srt4eric posted is kinda sad