Our mission

December 10th meeting potluck food items

Thanks to Jeremy (Tuberider) for booking another solid speaker.

Informative and humorous presentation by Rich & a smorsgaboard of food...a great way to end the year. :party:
Thank you for a fun talk Rich. Some of the videos were awe-inspiring and I certainly know the pain of being jetlagged and having to get to work. I'd take the 50-meter swim and stairs over some of my recent problems in the field...

Thanks to all for bringing the foodstuffs. I enjoyed it all.

Thanks to Mike and Jim for preparing for the raffle. Thanks to all who purchased raffle tickets to support the club. That cube was pretty nice Gen.

I also liked the blurb about the Marine Breeding Initiative. That's something we should all be learning more about. That stuff is so cool.
It was fun seeing everyone as well. My last message was more negative than I intended, I had fun.

Thanks Rich for an awesome talk, now I'm trying to figure out how I can come up with money for a plane ticket! :p