
DeFarts' IM 50gal Lagoon Journey

Does your house have really high CO2? What are you using to test PH now?

At your tanks age you may not be able to dose enough kalk to meaningfully impact PH without sending alk climbing.
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I've used this the last 20 years:

Choose limewater in the alk section
Thanks for the link!
Old school. I believe this to be one of the first calculators available.
I like old school...and new school. Lots to be learned from both.
I've been using Kenny's method in this video:

I use alkalinity consumption to figure out how much to dose via this calculator:

But I'm doing this method more to keep pH stable than trying to get it high, so I just dose at night, but it's been working great so far.
Thanks for the reminder. I've watched it before, but I need to watch it again. Thanks for the calculator link too. I do need to increase my alkalinity. It's definitely getting consumed. Should I be trying to increase that with something else and then using kalk to just maintain?

Does your house have really high CO2? What are you using to test PH now?
My assumption is that it does have high co2. People and pets and the windows haven't been open as much because of weather. I've got lots of plants in the room though. On my list is a co2 monitor.

I measure pH with a pH specific pen. I don't have a constant monitoring device yet. It's on its way. Who knows how good it will be.
At your tanks age you may not be able to dose enough kalk to meaningfully impact PH without sending alk climbing.
Because of the number of coral or lack of corals?

Tonight, my alkalinity was around 7.8 - 8.0 &
pH was at 8.04
Here's my setup for now until I have better spot for my doser and a better container. Time to start calculating.

Thanks for the reminder. I've watched it before, but I need to watch it again. Thanks for the calculator link too. I do need to increase my alkalinity. It's definitely getting consumed. Should I be trying to increase that with something else and then using kalk to just maintain?
I guess it depends on your alkalinity consumption, how much you are trying to raise alkalinity by, and how much evaporation you have. Your evaporation rate is the constraint on how much you can raise alkalinity. If you need to raise alkalinity even more, you'd have to use 2 part or something similar in addition to the Kalkwasser.
I haven't started dosing yet. I got myself an "inexpensive" ($60) probe that constantly monitors my pH, temp, etc. I did not have a good grasp on my pH levels and swings. After the last water change, my pH levels during the day have been 8.2-8.3 consistently. During the evening, it drops to 7.8-7.9.

One thing I didn't realize is that my salinity had been dropping. Nothing drastic but I did get that dialed in.

What I have not been testing consistently is my alkalinity. I need to probably do that everyday to get a better idea of how it's being consumed.

Either way, I'd like to start dosing the kalk during the evening to keep the pH stable. Thanks again folks for the links and references.

I tried putting my fleece roller back on after ordering some more rolls, and it wouldn't fit with both my lights on now. So it's going to force me to figure out my hanging solution I have in mind for my lights. Stay tuned for that!
I haven't started dosing yet. I got myself an "inexpensive" ($60) probe that constantly monitors my pH, temp, etc. I did not have a good grasp on my pH levels and swings. After the last water change, my pH levels during the day have been 8.2-8.3 consistently. During the evening, it drops to 7.8-7.9.

One thing I didn't realize is that my salinity had been dropping. Nothing drastic but I did get that dialed in.

What I have not been testing consistently is my alkalinity. I need to probably do that everyday to get a better idea of how it's being consumed.

Either way, I'd like to start dosing the kalk during the evening to keep the pH stable. Thanks again folks for the links and references.

I tried putting my fleece roller back on after ordering some more rolls, and it wouldn't fit with both my lights on now. So it's going to force me to figure out my hanging solution I have in mind for my lights. Stay tuned for that!
That probe must be cleaned and calibrated regularly
Decided to upgrade my salt mixing container...again. This time, twice the volume! Plus added a stronger pump to help circulate and break down the salt. The pics don't show it, but I have another ball valve on top of the lid for the hose on top. I can quickly turn off the valve inside to push all flow to fill up jugs, or I can just turn the valve on top, since the pump is strong enough. It's just slower.

Mixing up my first batch of water right now. Feels good to know I'll have plenty of water on hand.

Already made a mistake though and added way too much salt. LOL

Thankfully, I have plenty of RODI ready to dilute it.
Have a great weekend BAR!

Double check the alk, Mg, and Ca before doing a change! You can have the Mg crash out of solution when overshooting the salinity target.
Gotcha. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to do that. I pumped out a bunch of the freshly mixed and put in fresh RODI right after until I got it to the right salinity. Still a concern? Either way, I'll test it. After my water change, I was going to pour back what I took out while diluting it to the right salinity. Thoughts?
I have learned not to trust hobby grade PH probes. I pay more attention to the co2 monitor in the room and just make sure it reminds me to be getting fresh air occasionally.
Gotcha. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to do that. I pumped out a bunch of the freshly mixed and put in fresh RODI right after until I got it to the right salinity. Still a concern? Either way, I'll test it. After my water change, I was going to pour back what I took out while diluting it to the right salinity. Thoughts?
I'd still check because if anything crashed out of solution, it won't go back into solution with just more water. It's also why a lot of new hobbyists say they're having problems and you find out they added water to the salt rather than salt slowly to water.
I have learned not to trust hobby grade PH probes. I pay more attention to the co2 monitor in the room and just make sure it reminds me to be getting fresh air occasionally.
Derek, I have seen you posting these concerns and I believe you have been using the Milwaukee probes, correct (the ones on the picture?)? I have been checking mine more frequently, I am using one in each the nano and the main display, recalibrating them with the Milwaukee calibration fluid, but I did not notice any significant issues with them. The max I have seen them being off is by 0.1 PH. Agree on the CO2 monitor, and not trusting them fully, but I was just wondering if you were using the same probes?

Derek, I have seen you posting these concerns and I believe you have been using the Milwaukee probes, correct (the ones on the picture?)? I have been checking mine more frequently, I am using one in each the nano and the main display, recalibrating them with the Milwaukee calibration fluid, but I did not notice any significant issues with them. The max I have seen them being off is by 0.1 PH. Agree on the CO2 monitor, and not trusting them fully, but I was just wondering if you were using the same probes?

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Same, I've used a similar model and it's been pretty reliable with quarterly recals (just don't put sharp rocks below the bulb and have it shatter like I have stupidly done)
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