Neptune Aquatics

DeFarts' IM 50gal Lagoon Journey

Definitely looks like Dino’s. I can’t ID them based on this pic but you may be able to yourself if you check the link I shared a few posts back.
Yeah, it was really difficult getting better pics. I agree though. Based on the link you sent, and what I was seeing, it's got to be dinos. A lot of them weren't moving though! So I'm hopeful it's the UV that killing them. We shall see.
I was too hasty to thinking it was red cyano and everything I read mentioned that stuff is safe and effective treatment of it. Unfortunately, you are right. Within a couple days it got worse. So I dosed again! Got even worse and then dosed again!

So I have a conundrum. I dosed ChemiClean on Saturday for the third time, still thinking it was cyano, before you guys came in with the dino knowledge. I went out and got a UV not knowing the species. I figured it couldn't hurt. I've also had the light off since. Tomorrow, I plan on turning the light on to see how it goes.

UV has a pretty high rate of success with the strains that enter the water column - sounds like that’s the case here since they disappeared with lights out.

Good luck tomorrow!!
UV has a pretty high rate of success with the strains that enter the water column - sounds like that’s the case here since they disappeared with lights out.

Good luck tomorrow!!
Appreciate it. Yeah, I just don't know how long to run the UV. Haa haa. I was thinking at least a week. But I also read that it should be turned off during the day, if it's a species that enters the water column during lights out. Since I don't know, I'm just letting it go full bore. Lol
I had prorocentrum and they also disappeared with lights out. And came back with lights on. And this type could not be beat with UV, but patience and a structured approach.

Blackout is not a sustainable solution from what I have read but still recommended by many. And blackout further weakens corals.

You need a better magnification, ID with this picture will be a guessing game and you need certainty in case you have a more resilient form of Dinos vs the easier ones that can be beat with UV.

Also, an ICP was a key measure for me. Fauna Marin can predict Dinos based on your ICP values, and adjusting them will support a more permanent solution.


  • Dealing-With-Dinos-Rev-H-Published-August-2023.pdf
    4 MB · Views: 123
I had prorocentrum and they also disappeared with lights out. And came back with lights on. And this type could not be beat with UV, but patience and a structured approach.

Blackout is not a sustainable solution from what I have read but still recommended by many. And blackout further weakens corals.

You need a better magnification, ID with this picture will be a guessing game and you need certainty in case you have a more resilient form of Dinos vs the easier ones that can be beat with UV.

Also, an ICP was a key measure for me. Fauna Marin can predict Dinos based on your ICP values, and adjusting them will support a more permanent solution.
I have a few options in my cart for a new microscope. Just need to pull the trigger on which one. Not really an expense I wanted right now.

I did read the blackout is not effective to eliminate them but just another tool in the arsenal.

I have not thought about the ICP test honestly. I'll look into that too.

Thanks for the document. I downloaded it last night and was reading it. I just got accepted into the group last night. When I get better images, I'll post in the group to hopefully get a positive ID.
Would the club benefit having a microscope available, for times like this, on Barcode? I know nothing about scopes- do they travel well (without breaking) like a par meter does?

Even when there are no issues to diagnose with a scope, members may just want to check out stuff way up close.
Would the club benefit having a microscope available, for times like this, on Barcode? I know nothing about scopes- do they travel well (without breaking) like a par meter does?

Even when there are no issues to diagnose with a scope, members may just want to check out stuff way up close.
I was thinking the same thing. Amazon has ones for like 80-100 dollars that would get the job done
I’ll bring it up at the next meeting
I have a few options in my cart for a new microscope. Just need to pull the trigger on which one. Not really an expense I wanted right now.

I did read the blackout is not effective to eliminate them but just another tool in the arsenal.

I have not thought about the ICP test honestly. I'll look into that too.

Thanks for the document. I downloaded it last night and was reading it. I just got accepted into the group last night. When I get better images, I'll post in the group to hopefully get a positive ID.

You can borrow mine (Bresser) - I have a digital camera attached to it which takes super easy pretty good pictures and video. Or you can come by with your sample and we can test it any time. I believe you live further away but still wanted to offer this.
I also was thinking about the club having one or two available for times like these. Since I am far away, it would probably make more sense for me to just purchase one. I appreciate the offer.

Also, maybe having a club microscope and make it available at events for people to bring water samples to check there? IDK...just thinking out loud.
It has been a long and tough work week! This was a nice view at one of my sites. It was toward the end of the day of the longest day of the week.

Looking down at part of the Garrapata coastline, slightly north of Big Sur.

It was nice to wake up this morning, make some coffee, and enjoy some time next to the tank that is completely clear of any signs of dinos!!!


It's been 4 days since I've seen any signs of them actually! No bubbles or slime. The first 24 hours of having the UV on and without lights seems to have really put a hurting on their population. I have a microscope coming early next week finally, so if there are still some in the water column, hopefully I can get a positive ID.

Knowing they are there and waiting for more of my mistakes has been a good learning experience. I'm honestly surprised that they cleared up so quickly. I'll be shutting down the UV today to see how it goes.

A lot of the corals are looking a lot better, even with my continued low pH issues I'm struggling with. I was reading that the chemiclean dosing probably contributed to the pH dropping so much and all the kalk I've been dosing hasn't made much of a difference.

Every couple days, I'm increasing the dosage. I tried using the calculator you guys sent me the link to. I'm slowly working my way up. It's just hard to figure out how the alk increases calculate to pH increases.

I also ordered a CO² monitor to see what's happening with that.

Here's a few other pics of some coral that seem to be doing ok.

BG Digitata from the swap last week.

Not a good pic, but I'm so stoked this didn't get too stressed during the dinos outbreak. "Bullseye" Micromussa amakusensis

I love Duncans!

This favia has some damn long sweepers! See the feather duster right next to it? It sucked up one of the sweepers for a couple minutes, then figured out it couldn't eat it. Spit the sweeper out and went about its day.

@Invictus Check out the Magician I got from you! It's popping babies out like crazy.
It has been a long and tough work week! This was a nice view at one of my sites. It was toward the end of the day of the longest day of the week.

Looking down at part of the Garrapata coastline, slightly north of Big Sur.
View attachment 53637

It was nice to wake up this morning, make some coffee, and enjoy some time next to the tank that is completely clear of any signs of dinos!!!

View attachment 53635
It's been 4 days since I've seen any signs of them actually! No bubbles or slime. The first 24 hours of having the UV on and without lights seems to have really put a hurting on their population. I have a microscope coming early next week finally, so if there are still some in the water column, hopefully I can get a positive ID.

Knowing they are there and waiting for more of my mistakes has been a good learning experience. I'm honestly surprised that they cleared up so quickly. I'll be shutting down the UV today to see how it goes.

A lot of the corals are looking a lot better, even with my continued low pH issues I'm struggling with. I was reading that the chemiclean dosing probably contributed to the pH dropping so much and all the kalk I've been dosing hasn't made much of a difference.

Every couple days, I'm increasing the dosage. I tried using the calculator you guys sent me the link to. I'm slowly working my way up. It's just hard to figure out how the alk increases calculate to pH increases.

I also ordered a CO² monitor to see what's happening with that.

Here's a few other pics of some coral that seem to be doing ok.

BG Digitata from the swap last week.
View attachment 53636

Not a good pic, but I'm so stoked this didn't get too stressed during the dinos outbreak. "Bullseye" Micromussa amakusensis
View attachment 53640

I love Duncans!
View attachment 53638

This favia has some damn long sweepers! See the feather duster right next to it? It sucked up one of the sweepers for a couple minutes, then figured out it couldn't eat it. Spit the sweeper out and went about its day.
View attachment 53634

@Invictus Check out the Magician I got from you! It's popping babies out like crazy.
View attachment 53639
Awesome photos.
You won the Dino lottery. Now ghost feed to bring your numbers up. Cuz them Dino’s are still around.
Bro! You have no idea how freaking lucky I feel lately. Every day, I'm expecting to come home to another explosion of them. I've been dosing with copepods and phyto everyday. Plus I've been broadcast feeding at least once per day. Nitrates and phosphates are up!

Awesome photos.
Thanks man! Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat more at the swap. It was good seeing you though.
Yesterday was a fun day! We left home to make a special road trip and head up to High Tide.

Before I post anything, I just want to say how thankful I am for having @under_water_ninja as a part of this club. I can go in there with all my ignorance and leave each time with more wisdom.

I had a couple goals heading to High Tide. Primary goal was to find my wife a pair of Clowns for her nem tank. We struck out there, but Kenny's got a bunch that just started their QT rotation! So we'll be heading back after they are ready. But we did end up getting her a Green Mandarin and Yellow Watchman Goby for her nem tank.

The next goal was to get a fish for this tank! Mission accomplished!


While I was there, I was able to pickup a frags of the BC Adam Bomb! They're settling in nicely. I am hoping I can keep them alive and get them to grow!
That’s technically a spotted mandarin as opposed to a green. Sorry to be that guy…

I have the same one, though, also from Kenny! Good luck with yours, he’s a cutie ☺️