Cali Kid Corals

Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

Also, just like that, the cyano is gone....I did literally nothing at all.
Started dosing vodka @ 10ml/day since my nitrates were too high for the Hanna to get a reading. I've always been curious about carbon dosing so we'll see what happens.

I also stopped dosing the Isol8 MT for trace given the issues with iodine @JVU , and I mixed some TM Elements A/K into my Alk and Ca at about 10%. It's a more complete trace profile than Isol8, will get dosed in the same ratio as total alk consumption, and hopefully allows my iodine to come down. Got some cool new 5L containers to hold more as well. ESV dosing is up to 120ml/day so these should last longer. They came with a nice john guest fitting and internal acrylic tube:


The GMKs I got from @Finnaddict at the frag swap are really multiplying. Started as 2 polyps. I'm not a zoa guy really but this has always been one of my favorite corals, and they always melted on me. Grateful to Joel and happy they are doing so well lately:


Couple FTS under blues with orange filter:
