Supporting Member
Hot damn that's a spicy looking anemone
I wonder what color it'll look once those tentacles stretch out though. My BTAs when they were young/small/had bubbles, they were a really bright pink, now that they lengthened out they're really more of a red color (I suspect that has to do with the tentacle being more stretched when smaller so the red is more spread out... looks red, you might have a neat yellowed tentacled anemone when they stretch!)
I wonder what color it'll look once those tentacles stretch out though. My BTAs when they were young/small/had bubbles, they were a really bright pink, now that they lengthened out they're really more of a red color (I suspect that has to do with the tentacle being more stretched when smaller so the red is more spread out... looks red, you might have a neat yellowed tentacled anemone when they stretch!)