Neptune Aquatics

Featured Club Member Photos...Calling all BAR Members!

iCon said:
Awesome work John and everyone who contributed pictures! Very nice everyone
My part was fun and easy. The real thanks go to all our our members that are ponying up such great shots. I'm pretty proud to be associated with all of you. That means you and your dad too, Matthew! :) Good stuff guys and gals.
Here are some pics I've got and not sure is these qualifies compare to other great pics here.








Wow, these pictures are amazing! I'm new to all this, so it will be some time before I can post some pictures, but I love looking at these! It makes me realize that I may need to buy a new camera when it's all said and done! :)
Thanks a million for coming up with so many great pictures over the last several months. Our home page displays nearly all of your contributions. I'm currently experiencing a problem with uploading to the Featured Photo section. When I uploaded siokoy's photos, I got the "photo by siokoy" published but no image appeared. I'm told that the Gallery needs editing of some type. I speculate that the gallery may be full at this time. I've advised the Powers-That-Be of the problem. Stay tuned but don't expect to see these GREAT images published "right away". I'm stuck for the time being.