
[Feb 8, 2014] 2014 BAR Members Only Frag Swap (Hayward, CA)

Hey guys! I'm out of town right now, so I'm a bit out of the loop, but I'm guessing that 10 am would be the earliest start time. Registration starts at 11 officially, but usually there is a group of volunteers setting up an hour or so early. Hopefully one of the people actually planning and running the swap can give you a more definitive answer though.
What is the earliest time I can register? Daughter has a basketball game at 11:30-12:30 so I wiil be cutting close to the start time at 1 pm.

The setup crew arrives at 10am. You can check in your corals at that time, however be forewarned there will be extra scrutiny for proper labeling/containers/fragging. ;) If that's not early enough, perhaps consider dropping the frags off with one of the attendees?
Can we make sure people TRY to use CLEAR plastic containers?
I know some people in past swaps have used styrofoam containers. Not that great because people end up opening them and/or what not.

Just a suggestion.
Good point. Clear plastic deli containers are what we want to see people use. Most people get them at Smart and Final.
Yup, went quick, went efficient want to thank everyone for being courteous in the swap area. Hopefully everyone who wanted got some Miami Hurricane chalice :D
Yup, went quick, went efficient want to thank everyone for being courteous in the swap area. Hopefully everyone who wanted got some Miami Hurricane chalice :D

I did, though the color is completely different than what I thought I had before. Did I get something mislabeled?
The guy who donated it said that he had a lighting problem or something so the color shifted a bit. I noticed it was truer to what google shows as a Miami hurricane chalice near the edges of the colony. Hopefully it should change back to it's original colors or at least new growth should be that color.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the swap! It was great to meet many of you and for the excellent feedback and ideas.

Special thanks to Charlie and Sergio for running another fantastic swap! We also appreciate everyone who helped out with setup, registration, coral corral, and cleanup.

The food at the potluck was delicious - thanks to all the contributors! We'll try to get some other food options for purchase at future events.
Thanks to Neuspeedgirl and Dudley for the encrusting montis, and Mr.T and kirb_dog for the old school montis which I haven't seen in a long long time (and now I'll see how they grow under LEDs).
I got a piece of the Miami Hurricane. It's split in half but not completely. Will it heal? Or should I pull it apart all the way?
Should heal up. However if you pull it make sure you're careful and you don't rip the flesh from the skeleton. A trick I used to do is simply get a frag plug or piece of rock and glue both sides to it so that it wouldn't move around. Some of the edges of that coral were quite thin and fragile and broke if I looked that funny.
Great swap! It's nice to see people live and in person, and complain about aiptasia!

I admit that i'm one of those people that just reuses whatever containers I got from the last swap, and they might be cloudy/clear plastic. I'll go to Smart and Final before the next one! Maybe we should make it a rule that they must be in those ones, and maybe distribute them amongst ourselves.

One small bone of contention ... why are there outlaw corals? While it's true that maybe they should not be counted as "eligible" for the sake of the 3 unique strains ... I think they should be welcome as any other species. Seriously, I miss xenia!

I think that even people who brought 3 unique strains are purposely NOT bringing the outlaw corals thinking that they are .. outlawed, when in fact they are fine to bring but don't count against the three strains.

So I would like to vote that they no longer be outlawed. Most of us wouldn't just bring three cuts of toadstool for the swap anyway, but we might bring 3 cool corals ... AND three cuts of toadstool.

I'm just saying that even though the outlaw corals are boring, they can be very satisfying too. toadstools and leathers are fun to watch grow big, and xenia is just awesome... and who doesn't want a back-tank-wall covered with GSP?


One small bone of contention ... why are there outlaw corals? While it's true that maybe they should not be counted as "eligible" for the sake of the 3 unique strains ... I think they should be welcome as any other species. Seriously, I miss xenia!

I think that even people who brought 3 unique strains are purposely NOT bringing the outlaw corals thinking that they are .. outlawed, when in fact they are fine to bring but don't count against the three strains.

So I would like to vote that they no longer be outlawed. Most of us wouldn't just bring three cuts of toadstool for the swap anyway, but we might bring 3 cool corals ... AND three cuts of toadstool.

I'm just saying that even though the outlaw corals are boring, they can be very satisfying too. toadstools and leathers are fun to watch grow big, and xenia is just awesome... and who doesn't want a back-tank-wall covered with GSP?




I'm new to the hobby and ended up with a toadstool ,which I'm excited about btw, at the end during the free for all. It would have been nice though if the free for all started with "new hobby" first then up for grabs for the rest of the members who already participated. But then again, I did end up with some corals and for that I'm happy.

I worked the coral check in table with Philip, and we did see some outlaw/ common corals come in. They stayed at the front table and I was able to snag something in the end.

Just my experience during this swap.