Reef nutrition

German charged with smuggling coral through Oregon - 40 tons of coral

On the topic of dead coral...

A few months ago I went to a car dealership and was looking at their SW aquarium. It was loaded with tons of dead fish and coral. They said they had had it for 16 years and it was doing great. Doesn't it bother you when businesses have SW aquariums they can't even take care of? And the weirdest thing was their combination of fish...

Dog Face Puffer
PAIR OF MAROON CLOWNS (one was obviously bigger and they swam together)
Ocellaris & Tomato clown that they thought were mated!
Dead angelfish
Dead yellow tang

And instead of having sand and live rock, it was gravel, dead coral, and a "no fishing" sign decoration. I mean, how stupid is that?
How hard it is to tell if a coral is dead or alive? THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE LIGHTS ON THE TANK!
It just bothers me so much... >:(
I order 5 boxes of Gen -x media a few month back, I we pissed when recieved it and i saw the media size have changed. It used to be like the picture Gresh posted. Now its alot smaller. So, I called Pacific coast import and talked to the owner. The owner told me that the US and Vietnam government illegalized the import of the larger variety media. But ok with the smaller size and they are currently seaching for a place that will import the larger type.I guess they found a place..
After Wenzek's 2007 shipment of coral fragments failed to reach the Woodburn aquarium supplier, he instructed the Oregon importer to hide the nature of his next shipment, the indictment alleges. The importer, unnamed by the government, was told to use tariff numbers identifying the cargo as limestone products.
This most likely is what the big hubbub is about, everything else is just press fanfare, if they labeled it as something it's not regardless how legal it is, then you're going to get in a tad of trouble. Although I am having a hard time figuring out if the guy is from Germany and he voluntarily came over? Or they grabbed him when made a trip? Or who knows what.
He was going to attend Global Pet Expo, a pet industry trade show.