Our mission

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Heres the skimmer

the sump for the water testing( got a 40 gal breeder)

The Tank with the biggest fish ever haha

Tank with new lighting on it

sump and skimmer set in place

sorry for the massive pic overload haha. I really need to start my build thread soon
I have three Omniflex that are loose and some parts are easy to detach; unless the manufacturer improved them I would consider Locline.

Nice progress on the tank; planning on getting one of your kids SCUBA lessons to clean the tank?
xcaret said:
I have three Omniflex that are loose and some parts are easy to detach; unless the manufacturer improved them I would consider Locline.

Nice progress on the tank; planning on getting one of your kids SCUBA lessons to clean the tank?

Thanks for the heads up...do you have the threaded ones ?

The kids want to snorkel in the tank before I start aquascaping in it. I'll be sure to take some pic's and maybe video tape. I like the way you think regarding having them cleaning the tank...it'll be part of the chores. ;)

I'm going to swing by Bryan's today and pick up some ic gel to cut some frags for you. Maybe I can bring them to the next meeting. I think Justin Credible is our next scheduled speaker ?

Justin is in June, Leslie Harris is coming to speak next month ;)

Get some water in that thing would ya, it's not like you have anything else to do :D
tuberider said:
Justin is in June, Leslie Harris is coming to speak next month ;)

Get some water in that thing would ya, it's not like you have anything else to do :D

HA HA...The heck with the remodel...That tank needs "Agua !!!"

Atleast that's what I try telling my wife...unfortunately all I get is the stare. |(

Hey Jeremy,

Could you pm your number incase I have some questions ?
Thanks Gen...I need to bring down the sump to you so you can plug up that other 1" hole for me.

Let me know if Thursday will work out for you.

Jim: The Omni-flex are threaded 1" male.
I'll be at the next meeting if you want, I can bring them over. Are OK to use as long as you figure the position they will be pointing BUT apply some glue which would eliminate their design principle.

I would be interested to see the construction up front. I have to put in for the day off of the meeting. I'll let you know if I'll be able to attend. Are you on the peninsula ? I'm in Milllbrae if you're ever passing through.

We can work something out, need to "special order" tires for my car at Costco, little Mazda and SO the tires?? I was like :~
Will contact you.
That's what I said when I brought my pathfinder there. It was over 800 bucks with a coupon ! I ended going to my regular tire guy and saved 200 bucks and got some yokohamas.
Jim I might go down your way tomorrow in the afternoon, need to pick up some straight to square pin PC adapters from Aquatraders for another DIY mod; will call you.
I'm working tommorow, but I work in town...just give me a ring and I can meet up with you.

I also fragged a couple of heads of jokers & aog's for you.