A great SF Tank Tour over the weekend ! Good food, great meeting fellow reefers, & of course some great looking tanks.
Some things I took from these tanks:
Jon's tank-Beautiful in wall. The framed window of the side of the tank has to be seen to be believed.

I loved the light rail. I had thoughts of doing one on my tank, but was concerned with shadows. No shadows from what I saw.
Ian's tank- Beautiful tank. Loved the flow and school of spotted anthias. The frag tank was like going to the lfs.

You gotta be a bachelor if 1/3 of your place is dedicated to tanks !
Lapson's tank- The biggest tank of the tour. Nice to see such dedication from a long time hobbyist. I'm sure the tank will once again look amazing.
Arnold's tank- Beautiful tank. Nice mixed reef and skimmerless !
Patrick's tank- Great colors and eco friendly too boot !
Arman's tank- Beautiful peninsula style tank. Loved the "guts of the system "and attention to detail.
You guys inspire me to get my 450 going.