High Tide Aquatics

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

finalphaze987 said:
If i had done even half the planning you did on this tank Jim, i would have saved myself ALOT of money. Props on waiting, cuz if that was me, I'd have the RO flowing with a couple buckets of salt next to me.

I got that sch80 stuff anytime you wana come by.


Thanks bro...I'm heading out your way next week. I'll give you a ring before I come by.
Still shooting for a 2010 grand opening...lights should be in this week and rest of plumbing. Gen is working on the light racks. I did the pvc frame already, then I can start rock scaping. Hopefully my cabinet guy can start the finish work then.

How you feeling these days ?
Forget the lights and cabinet, get going on that rock scaping.
The official reason : You may want to soak that concrete for a while, even if Thorite-ish.
The real reason : I am working on some rather large rock piles as well, and could use some inspiration.
Too much engineer in me. My kid shows up and says - no way Dad, do it like this - and he is right. Grr.

Bonus : Lots of pure naturally distilled water this weekend for soaking - just leave it outside.
I need to install the lights first b/c it will be too difficult to get in the tank and install them with rock and water in there. :O

I assume the sakrete is a little difficult to work with ? Would you recommend going with thorite instead ?

Check out this aqua scaping thread on RC for some inspiration:

The sakrete hydraulic cement is not difficult to work with. It just sets up really fast. For me that was a good thing. Just mix it in small batches, only what you could use in a couple mins.
iani said:
The sakrete hydraulic cement is not difficult to work with. It just sets up really fast. For me that was a good thing. Just mix it in small batches, only what you could use in a couple mins.

In other words....you better be sure that rock scaping is what you want. ;)
I have gone through about 15 pounds of Sacrete now, and while I hated it at first, the fast set
has been a real bonus overall. I think the long set would result in a whole lot of waiting.
I use the bottom part of a vitamin bottle to mix it. So about 1/3 cup at a time. 1-2 rocks only.
You definitely learn a lot of tricks.
Paint the spots on the rock with a mixture of glue/water (mostly glue) where you want to connect them.
Mix it, dab it on, put rocks together, then squish it into crevices with foam brush.
I am using mostly 4-5 inch rubble though, with a few large pieces, constructing large reefs.
So pretty different from just connecting a few rocks together.

I had a few days off this week, so I got a chance to finish plumbing the frag tank. :)
Gen gave a little elbow grease to the 45 gal eco-system sump I got from Max at Aquarium Showroom. It gives me about 15 more gallons than the old one, not to mention more room for the skimmer and I can throw some live rock in the in let chamber.

I'm running a Eheim 1262 for the return pump. From there I tee'd off to feed the H&S A150 skimmer and then it goes to another tee to feed the two 1" Sea Swirls.

I also got a chance to start plumbing the Main Display. I'm using a Sequence Hammerhead as my return and it sits on some neoprene pads I got from BRS. From there I'm tee'd off for a future Deltec Eco Cooler, check valve, 3/4" tee for H&S A250 skimmer, 1/2" tee for BRS jumbor reactor. Other possible additions will be a Avast Swabbie, Davey Jones locker (for skim mate), & I'm looking into their large media reactor (bio pellets ?).

I'm trying keep theat 2010 "Grand Opening" schedule. :bigsmile:

Here's a pic of 2 of the 1 1/2" drain pipes. I'm toying around w/the idea of feeding one of the drains directly into the skimmer. Any thoughts ? I did talk to Chris (Chicken) about it and his only concern was how that would effect the flow into the sump. Typically if you have two drains one is the main drain and the other is a backup drain. I have four 1 1/2 " drains, so I would imagine it would be okay. I might have to tinker with it.

I'm also using uniseals to cover any holes I make, but also to help dampen sound. :bigsmile:

The sump originally had two 1" holes for the bulkheads. As you can see I had to blow four 1 1/2" holes in there (I went through 3 fully charged batterys to do it !).
xcaret said:
Full tank shot !! (even that is still empty)


Just for you Mario...a pic of my dirty tank (sheetrock dust gets every where and I didn't feel like climbing in there to clean it). I got a chance to make a pvc frame for the rock scaping. As soon as I get my light rack from Gen I can start installing the lights and going to town w/the rock ! :p

Any ideas on putting the light racks on a actuator or pulley system ? Ian ?
Have you considered a UV sterilizer on your QT tank.
I am not a big fan of them on main tanks, but I have a little self contained one I run for QT.
And since you have the ultimate QT tank, how can you not. :)
rygh said:
Have you considered a UV sterilizer on your QT tank.
I am not a big fan of them on main tanks, but I have a little self contained one I run for QT.
And since you have the ultimate QT tank, how can you not. :)


I guess you missed the part where I talked about installing a uv sterilizer ? :p

It would be a tight fit to say the least. I was listening to a chemist who works at the Shedd Aquarium and he is a fan of uv sterilizers to control algae, not so much for parasites.

So I have one for sale if anyones interested. ;)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving by the way.
gimmito said:
rygh said:
Have you considered a UV sterilizer on your QT tank.
I am not a big fan of them on main tanks, but I have a little self contained one I run for QT.
And since you have the ultimate QT tank, how can you not. :)


I guess you missed the part where I talked about installing a uv sterilizer ? :p

It would be a tight fit to say the least. I was listening to a chemist who works at the Shedd Aquarium and he is a fan of uv sterilizers to control algae, not so much for parasites.

So I have one for sale if anyones interested. ;)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving by the way.

Controlling algae through UV sterilizers works. I did that on my kids freshwater tank.
But it is just asking for big nitrate problems.

I am surprised that he is against UV for parasites. Seems like it would really help break the life cycle in the QT tank.
Does not affect any parasites on the fish, but should kill the free-floating ones.
Assuming decent dwell time, and not a total junk sterilizer.

Was that a statement on the main tank, or the QT tank? I can see thinking it might not be worth as much on the main tank.