Neptune Aquatics

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

That is awesome! Thanks for explaining all your plumbing design (for people like me who are still learning about plumbing).
JAR said:
Dude! Was that on the fly or did you write a script?
Very professional video. Sweet set up.

Thanks was definitely on the fly. I forgot to mention about the FRP, uni-seal to dampen sound, & future BRS bio pellet reactor... Oh well. :)
99sf said:
That is awesome! Thanks for explaining all your plumbing design (for people like me who are still learning about plumbing).

You are more than welcome. I hope to get the FT plumbed when I get the sump back from Gen. I've also started plumbing the main system and should have it done soon. Oh, and I finally got my 1 1/2" cross tees in so I can start rockscaping soon also. :bigsmile:
gimmito said:
I just noticed it only took me 56 pages in my build thread to show H2O...that's gotta be a record. :p
With the main system plumbing almost done, maybe we will see the DT filled with water by page 60 :exmark:
FT will be next. I'm waiting on my buddy Mike to order the rest of the lights and ballast, then it will be the rock scaping, & finally water :exmark:
Tank is good, thanks for asking. I've been taking long trips for work lately which is nerve wracking with this hobby but oh well.

That sure will be a fun tank to aquascape!
Finally got a chance to watch the video. Not something I can really do at work.
Looks great!
Maybe it will inspire me to do more than a few quick pics.

Am I understanding you are planning on using loc-line for the overflow?
Neat idea, since you can adjust the height of the water that way easy.
But knowing me, I would accidentally bump it down, which would drain things on the garage floor again .....

It is great that you will be able to buy/qt a set of fish, keep them separated during QT,
and then add them all at the same time.
Better for the territorial types that way.
I wonder if it would be nice if the smaller baffles were removable, or had a large hole you could plug/open.
That way, you can let fish get to know each other as you please.

Maybe you can rent out QT space to pay for all that Sch-80 pipe. :)
The video was fun to make and alot easier than downloading say 6 pictures at a time. The locline was added on the fly since the bulkheads are a little lower than I would like. It's actually pretty hard to bump the loclines out of place, but I hear what your saying. I might just add elbows in the bulkhead drains w/a small piece of standpipe and a maggie muffler on top to silence any gurgling sounds.
I traded some frags for the QT system (which was originally a 8' system) and would have liked removed baffles, but it is what it is. I'll probably have Gen make some removable baffles for the top QT though. out space for the QT ? FT ? You might be on to something there buddy. ;)
If i had done even half the planning you did on this tank Jim, i would have saved myself ALOT of money. Prpos on waiting, cuz if that was me, id have the RO flowing with a couple buckets of salt next to me.

I got that sch80 stuff anytime you wana come by.