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Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Eh don't know yet, PG&E hasn't installed their smart meter yet. Apparently there's a $4 surcharge each month just for being connected so I can't pay less than that, supposedly I'll only get a bill once a year so all the good months can average out the bad producing months, however from what I understand starting Jan 2011 PG&E will have to pay cash money for excess power that's left over after 1 year of "banking" although that amount hasn't been worked out yet although a couple people told me "somewhere between wholesale and retail price"

That said sunny days I'm pushing 20+ kWh, and my panels are tilted quite shallow for summer months, so I'm happy I'm getting that in crappy winter/fall, on a couple cold/cloudy days I saw 10kWh in a day, so either way if its sunny I'll completely pay off about 125% of my tank, if its cloudy I'll pay off about 65% of it. Either way I'm happy.
I went through a group of source that negotiated rates with a particular company, 1bog.org for you it'd be a different group that me.

However the company that installed them was Luminalt, I would recommend Grosolar as well, they had a competitive price as well and the only reason I didn't go with them is they were unwilling to float (or even wait for) the SF rebate money. However one of the houses Jon worked on in SF did the solar there and it looks fine.

I finally got to replumbing the copper to schedule 80 outlet for my Kold Filter System. :)

I started plumbing the qt. I'm using a Eheim 1260 with about 6 feet of head to the top of the tank. I'm teeing off the pump to feed the H&S skimmer and was planning to tee off for the uv sterilizer. I could place the uv sterilizer above the sump or up right before the first inlet. Any thoughts or should I just scrap the uv sterilizer idea ?
r0ck0 said:
gimmito said:

I finally got to replumbing the copper to schedule 80 outlet for my Kold Filter System. :)

Thats a no waste pure as RO/DI water filter? What model and how much?


$334.99 new at Marine Depot.

I bought a couple of 1" Sea Swirls for the frag tank. I'm using a Eheim 1262 for the return. I'll be teeing off the pump to feed the H&S skimmer also. I'm debating whether to hard plumb the Sea Swirls or use grey spa flex...any thoughts ?

My buddy Ethan finished installing the FRP. You'll notice three 1" holes on the top left for the inlet/outlet for the 40 gallon fuge. I'm also using uniseals to cover up any holes I make as well to help keep the resonance at bay. I have an extra hole in case I add something else down the line.

Shot of sump. The teed off 1/2" ballvalve will feed the H&S A110/F2000 skimmer. I'm debating whether to use a Eheim 1250 or 2000 for the BRS bio pellet reactor.

I was off today and went to Aquarium Showroom to pickup a bigger sump for my frag tank. Max had a roughly 50 gallons used eco system sump for sale. I dropped it off at Gen's to patch a bulkhead and give it some elbow grease. I met Jose (Blue Voodoo) and shot the breeze until Gen got back (cool guy). I also picked up 2 Lumenmax Elite reflectors at Aquarium Showroom for the frag tank. :bigsmile: I hope to get Gen to make a light rack for the FT also.

Since I was off I got to work on the tanks a bit. I used spa flex to hookup the sea swirls on the FT. The QT is basically done and I hope to do a water test in a few days.
Some thoughts:
1) Wow, fancy. High end sea-swirls for a frag tank.
Nice though.

2) You might want to sit back and think about spills and spray.
Maybe it is me, or because it is the garage, or maybe a big system, but the my recent spills
are way more than you can clean up with a few paper towels.
A) I worry a bit about those electrical plugs on the wall.
All that water right next to them, and a skimmer as well. Pretty easy to get wet.
B) You might want a water catch basin on the floor under everything.
I have a few catch containers in specific spots, but wish I had done the entire "fish room"
with something conceptually like a shower pan.
C) You might want to line the walls with plastic.
Keeps the drywall safe from splash and humidity issues.
Looks good Jim, how much did those reflectors run you? I'm looking for one of the smaller lumenarc mini style reflectors as I want to widen my footprint a bit on my tank.
rygh said:
Some thoughts:
1) Wow, fancy. High end sea-swirls for a frag tank.
Nice though.

2) You might want to sit back and think about spills and spray.
Maybe it is me, or because it is the garage, or maybe a big system, but the my recent spills
are way more than you can clean up with a few paper towels.
A) I worry a bit about those electrical plugs on the wall.
All that water right next to them, and a skimmer as well. Pretty easy to get wet.
B) You might want a water catch basin on the floor under everything.
I have a few catch containers in specific spots, but wish I had done the entire "fish room"
with something conceptually like a shower pan.
C) You might want to line the walls with plastic.
Keeps the drywall safe from splash and humidity issues.


1) I must admit I suscribe to RC "For Sale Forums" and I'm always on the lookout for good deals. I got the 1" Sea Swirls for $150. :)

2) You have been reading my thread right ? I have pretty much "water proofed " all exposed sheetrock and wood with Fiberglass Reinforced Panels. This is the heavy duty stuff...not the stuff at Lowe's or Home Depot. All the seams are caulked, especially where water may spill.

I do have weatherproof electrical boxes that I plan to install in the main display sump area. I may install them in the sump area in the QT and FT.