High Tide Aquatics

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank


I hooked up my Kati Ani system via my Kold Sterile Filters.


Tap water.


Old Kold Sterile Filters.


Kati Ani resins.
Quick reminder on the concrete - rock:
In something with low pH. Likely not plain tap water. For 2 months.
I have had high pH issues for a long time now. Nothing major, but annoying.
I soaked my concrete-rocks in tap water for 3 weeks or so, and I think it was not long enough.
How much did you use Mark ? We actually didn't need to use too much. Jestersix mentioned the cure time is pretty fast with the Emaco 400 and Acryl 60. What ph readings are you getting ?
gimmito said:
How much did you use Mark ? We actually didn't need to use too much. Jestersix mentioned the cure time is pretty fast with the Emaco 400 and Acryl 60. What ph readings are you getting ?
I used quite a bit. I built a lot of big complex shapes out of small pieces.
So probably a lot more than you used.
PH hits about 8.6 or so at times. Electronic probe, recently calibrated, so probably fairly accurate.
Key to keeping it down for now seems to be using Sodium bicarbonate, instead of Soda ash, for Alk.
Umm, it was a joke Crabby.

Anybody new to the hobby reading this thread, please don't go #1 in your tank to cycle it (or #2 to test what your skimmer can pull out). :p
gimmito said:
bmhair03 said:
Dont know if this is the same fan, but I have used this one .
Panasonic FV-20NLF1

This is the model I purchased (FV-08VQ5).
gotcha, thanks!

I just read a spec sheet on that, and it kept insisting on ceiling mount, I wonder how it would affect performance to ceiling mount it, since there is a floor above me, and I'd rather not drill a 4" hole in a main supporting joist on the side of the house :D
I asked the guy at House of Fans the same question. He then pointed to a demo ceiling fan that was running vertically for the past 20 years. Can you run the duct out the side if the house ?
Hmmm guess that answers the question of horizontal vs vertical mount :D

As to running the duct out the side, I don't see why not, basically like a dryer vent. It's not hot gasses or potentially combustible gasses so no danger.
sfsuphysics said:
Crabby said:
Umm, unless you are a fish - you pee out your nitrogen as urea not ammonium.

Damn that's why peeing on my feet after being stung by a jellyfish didn't work!

however my flowers in my backyard never looked so good :D

I love how these threads get off topic. :)

In water, the urea amine groups undergo slow displacement by water molecules, producing ammonia and carbonate anion.
(See wikipedia for details)
So hypothetically, going #1 still might work for cycling a tank.
But for the jellyfish, you need to go in a glass of water, wait a few days, then pour it on the sting.
gimmito said:
Leave it to Mark to put his stamp on the subject. :D

...and you wonder how this thread got to 100 pages !

...and still no water :D

Will Joost be able to turn around "laps" in the inaugural dive?
Oh, and important to ask too, having a 1000 post count and the Giants on top, Are you shooting for 2000 post count and no water?
xcaret said:
gimmito said:
Leave it to Mark to put his stamp on the subject. :D

...and you wonder how this thread got to 100 pages !

...and still no water :D

Will Joost be able to turn around "laps" in the inaugural dive?
Oh, and important to ask too, having a 1000 post count and the Giants on top, Are you shooting for 2000 post count and no water?
The tank is like 2' short at 6' long so guess I'll have to use my fold in half skills I acquired from using the bus.

Joost won't be able to make laps with the rockwork in there, but maybe just kick it in the back.

Hey, give me a little credit...I'm making saltwater !