Cali Kid Corals

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

gimmito said:

Update: The saltwater has been mixing for a day and is still a bit cloudy. The LFS was out of the sand I needed, but is getting more in next week

I've used Aquavitro since it 1st came out and it's always been cloudy, after 8 hrs, 24 hrs. and more, still cloudy. I don't sweat it and the cloudiness in the tank subsides in a short time. I do dread how it puts a white coating over the pumps and you get flakes.

Update: The saltwater has been mixing for a day and is still a bit cloudy. The LFS was out of the sand grain size I needed, but is getting more in next week. I was trying to find Tropic Eden Reeflakes, but I think you can only get it through PA. Although, I heard Robert carries some similiar stuff from the Philipines...anybody have experience with the sand they carry ?
CookieJar said:
gimmito said:

Update: The saltwater has been mixing for a day and is still a bit cloudy. The LFS was out of the sand I needed, but is getting more in next week

I've used Aquavitro since it 1st came out and it's always been cloudy, after 8 hrs, 24 hrs. and more, still cloudy. I don't sweat it and the cloudiness in the tank subsides in a short time. I do dread how it puts a white coating over the pumps and you get flakes.

Yup...I guess that's the price you pay w/their salt. Although, it was fun poring in a full 225 gal bucket in the trough.
Hmmm when I mix Aquavitro's salt it clears up fairly well. Granted I do about 30g at a time not 300, but I wonder if its a bit touchy with putting "too much" in. As it stands if there's that many grains of salt mix (??) or other things in the water column that it stays cloudy I'm not sure I'd trust any readings you get from a test on the salt.
sfsuphysics said:
Hmmm when I mix Aquavitro's salt it clears up fairly well. Granted I do about 30g at a time not 300, but I wonder if its a bit touchy with putting "too much" in. As it stands if there's that many grains of salt mix (??) or other things in the water column that it stays cloudy I'm not sure I'd trust any readings you get from a test on the salt.

I usually make up about 30 gallons also in a brute trash can for the RSM that will last 6 weeks. I'm starting to see the bottom of the rubbermaid trough, so I think it just takes a bit longer when dumping in a whole bucket. On a side note, I'm waiting for Boomer on RS to answer that questionyou brought up about the Aquavitro Salinity salt. I'll let you know what I hear.
Yeah I think the whole bucket thing and lack of mixing power (comparatively speaking for a container that large) is what the issue is. I remember the first couple times I'd toss in my 6.5 containers (it's one of those old ranch dressing mixers that has 2 cups), then I flipped the pump on (mag 3) it'd stay very cloudy. When I tossed in a Tunze 6100 as a mixing pump, then did it one cup at a time, and it mixed much clearer.

I should have used the Water Blaster pump along with the seio m100's from the get go. I can see the bottom of the trough now, but as Bill mentioned it leaves a white residue on the trough, pumps, & heaters. I think the key is heavy flow from the get go as Mike prescribed.
On a side note, the water blaster pumps are dead quite and moves some serious water. I'm looking forward to hooking up the "Big Brother" HY-16000 on my return. :D
Good to hear about the water blaster pumps. I'm looking to get a new return pump for my setup (and next setup), and while an Eheim would be fine for my existing, I want a bit more movement for the next. Quiet pumps make me happy.... Quiet One pumps do not :(
sfsuphysics said:
Good to hear about the water blaster pumps. I'm looking to get a new return pump for my setup (and next setup), and while an Eheim would be fine for my existing, I want a bit more movement for the next. Quiet pumps make me happy.... Quiet One pumps do not :(

Quite pumps make my wife happy. :D

Give Mike at Reef Specialty a shout (good prices and service).
Update: John at Ready Aquatics was able to locate 300 lbs of the Tropic Eden AragaSnow for me and will be shipping it out this week. :bigsmile:
I got an answer from Boomer at RS regarding the Aquavitro salinity salt heat and white residue issue. Here's the edited response:

This salt is an issue as it uses Anhydrous salts, a) generate more heat which reduces their solubility. b) are more concentrated that other salt mixes as the dry mix has much less water in it.

"This salt needs to be added slowly over time, like1/4 - 1/ 2 cup / 5 gals every 15 mins or so. Try to keep the temp of the water lower as the components are more soluble at lower temp and at lower temp they will generate less CaCO3 precip/cloudiness. You DO NOT want any cloudiness, as cloudness means precip of CaCO3 or Mg(OHH)2 and they will NOT go back into solution. The cloudless just settle out or ends up as a precip on the walls or bottom of the container. SeaChem is working on a solution to give better mixing instructions / my comments on many posts on forums and noted issues with this salt dissolving based on most normal salt mixing instructions."
All I had to do was tell John at Ready Aquatics that "I have over 100 pages and 1,000 post on my build thread and no saltwater or sand."..."problem solved" he told me. His buddy (some guy named Anthony Calfo) had some Tropic Eden AragaSnow left over from a big install and is personally sending it to me. ;)
Lucky break!
Wow, 300 pounds of AragaSnow.
Well, that deep/fine should be great for critters and denitrification.
Although if you plan to scatter it with rubble, any worries about not
getting proper natural stirring, and possible dead pockets.
That's the way to get result! "I'm building this tank, posted on a message board, tons of messages, no water in it yet, no sand, nothing, and I'm getting crap ten ways to Sunday from everyone"
rygh said:
Lucky break!
Wow, 300 pounds of AragaSnow.
Well, that deep/fine should be great for critters and denitrification.
Although if you plan to scatter it with rubble, any worries about not
getting proper natural stirring, and possible dead pockets.

I'll see how it goes w/o the rubble rock first. I've read that the AragaSnow is heavier than most sand that size.
sfsuphysics said:
That's the way to get result! "I'm building this tank, posted on a message board, tons of messages, no water in it yet, no sand, nothing, and I'm getting crap ten ways to Sunday from everyone"

....why didn't I think of that sooner ???? :p

While I'm waiting on the sand to arrive. I thought I'd take some pics of the water circulation within the display. Here's a pic of the left rear (3) tunze 6205's and a 1" sea swirl.