Neptune Aquatics

GROW-OUT CONTEST: Pink Boobies Chalice - Growth Tracking


May pic. Up to 6 eyes!

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Just curious; has anyone tried sticking their phone in the tank to take the picture? My phone is waterproof up to like a meter or something.
Getting great growth on mine. The frag originally had exposed skeleton that's now fully healed (right side edge of pic) and started to extend out encrusting the frag a bit... annnd a new eye with another coming in.

So 5 eyes (+1)

So if a coral has more eyes, does it grow faster? Cause it can definitely eat more if it has more eyez.

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So if a coral has more eyes, does it grow faster? Cause it can definitely eat more if it has more eyez.

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That's an interesting idea... would love to know myself.

In theory it should help but if the coral is photosynthetic, wonder how much of a potential increase it might get from additional mouths
Yeah I’d imagine it to be similar growth no matter what but that’s just an assumption.

Maybe someone does a side by side test one day.

I have noticed when I frag Favias that no matter the size they seem to encrust at the same rate in my tank. But that’s my tank

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I have 6 eyes which is the most among other frags, and notice no growth other than healed cuts.

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So huge step back for me. During my 2 weeks on the road, my urchin picked up my frag and deposited it upside down in the sand, next to some zoas. Pulled it off the sand bed and it is mostly gone with 1 maybe 2 eyes left. So still alive, sort of.