High Tide Aquatics

Is this even possible?

Yeah. A few Banggai. Maybe like three or so. I should have specified what I was thinking of getting. Does that sound ok?

Vince, will the anemone you are selling me be attached to a rock or will it attach its self to the container/bag that you are bringing it to the meeting in? If it attaches to the container/bag then how do I get it off when the acclimation is over and it is ready to go in the tank?
They don't school.. When two fish pair up, they will "kill" others left over . Just make sure you seperate it fast enough..
If you can find a pair, that's great.. Good luck though.. I waited for almost a year ;D ..

You can try to buy two and see if they will fight. If they fight, they could be same sex. Sell one and buy another one until you get a pair. If you have a larger tank, you can buy several but 34cube is pretty small and you already have two clowns in there.