Cali Kid Corals

June 26, 2021 - Member's Frag Swap

RSVP required- Will you be attending?

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I was blown away with this event!
Thank you to all who organized this and for letting me and my family be a part of it!
And thank you to Eric for his generous frag donation and allowing me to participate in this coral swap.
Looking forward to future swaps and to contributing to this awesome community!
I was blown away with this event!
Thank you to all who organized this and for letting me and my family be a part of it!
And thank you to Eric for his generous frag donation and allowing me to participate in this coral swap.
Looking forward to future swaps and to contributing to this awesome community!
How’d the frags do on the trip home?
Does anyone happen to have a high resolution photo of all the corals laid out on the tables before the pickup rounds started?

Also, if anyone has a picture of their frags in the little cups before the lids were closed would be very helpful!

I want to make a post about the event on our internal conservation group at work, and I just realized that I didn’t take a picture :(

Thanks everyone!
Does anyone happen to have a high resolution photo of all the corals laid out on the tables before the pickup rounds started?
Unfortunately I was a bit busy with the event and we don't have an official club photographer :) Only pictures I got was after the first round, group G was picking here. Still lots of frags after one round. I think Pablo had the same idea as me


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Sounds like a good idea. Doesn't even need to be someone with a fancy camera, just so long as they can snap photos with a phone and upload them.
Yes, absolutely. I meant to ask someone to do it but I forgot. Good pictures of our events will be a key part of promoting the club on FB page.
Out of curiosity, do you think it would have helped more if I also put the day of the week with the date so there's no confusion about which day is the 26th?
I don't know if you can correct for stupid to be honest. I just got it in my head sometime in the last few weeks that is was Sunday. A slightly smarter person could just as easily have looked at a calendar anytime in the last month or so. This is 100% me being lazy / not paying enough attention so I wouldn't think that anything needs to change to be honest.
I don't know if you can correct for stupid to be honest. I just got it in my head sometime in the last few weeks that is was Sunday. A slightly smarter person could just as easily have looked at a calendar anytime in the last month or so. This is 100% me being lazy / not paying enough attention so I wouldn't think that anything needs to change to be honest.
Well I'm sorta glad to see it wasn't just me.
I don't know if you can correct for stupid to be honest. I just got it in my head sometime in the last few weeks that is was Sunday. A slightly smarter person could just as easily have looked at a calendar anytime in the last month or so. This is 100% me being lazy / not paying enough attention so I wouldn't think that anything needs to change to be honest.
Happens to the best of us. Looking forward to seeing you and @Vhuang168 at the next one!
I brought a pack of about 20 black coated 1/2” neodynium magnets stacked and a bag of metal clips they were kinda stuck to, that I was going to use at the swap for mounting signs. People were helping me bring in all the crap from my car and I couldn’t later find these at the swap or afterwards. If anyone picked these up for me I’d like to get them back at some point since I use them around the aquarium all the time and they were mine, not the club’s.