Reef nutrition

Leemar Starphire 290

So I uploaded the new operating system for my phone (IOS6) and learned that the panarama tool for the iphone camera works on the 4S. ;) It was the one thing I wanted from the new Iphone 5. Jumped up and took a FTS. Pretty cool. I did not take the time to adjust the lights or anything (I usually turn up the white light to make it easier to see), so I will at some point get a better shot, but am all excited that I can stand closer to the tank and take a picture. Hope you like. ;)

gimmito said:
Cool...looks like a huge bowfront tank !

LOL! That is exactly what it looks like. ;)

Coral reefer said:
I'd like it more if it were mine

Thanks Mike!! :D

I figured out that if I just walk from one end of the tank to the other that it comes out much better. Although the fish get a little blurred with the movement.

Well the tank is going through a lot of changes lately. Primarily with my fish stock. Was able to give my Coral Beauty Angel to Ed (Kmaintl) and the Gold spot Rabbit to Erin (Kensingtonreefer). Thanks guys.

Also made the very difficult decision to give away my Snowflake Eel that is pushing 30" and the Vlamingi tang that is now about 10". The Eel is breaking coral on a regular basis, or at least knocking them over. It is very well behaved until feeding time. The Vlamingi has grown so amazingly fast that I really needed to find it a larger tank. I am so bummed to see them both go as they are two of my favs. The Eel is going to a guy with a dedicated Eel tank......already a snowflake in it. The Vlamingi has been graciously accepted by "Aquarium Concepts" to go in their large Cylindrical display. Two more happy homes.

Good news is that my bio load will be significantly reduced..........good for the coral and means I can get some new fish. Picked up a beautiful Epaulette Surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigricauda) From Erin that is chillin in the fuge for now. Seems happy and is now eating well. It will be moved to the display once the Vlamingi is out. Hoping for a smooth transition and a friendly greeting from the Purple and mimic tangs. Fingers crossed. :~ Not going to get anything else that is large. Only other wish is for a pair of Bellus Angels. Maybe a wrass or a few anthias. Anyway.....thought I would post some pics of the Vlamingi as it is headed to Dublin on Sunday. :(

Taken Oct. 19,2011.........approx 3.5-4"



June 23, 2012

October 25, 2012 Approx 10"
Good advice Erin, thank you. I will do that. The Mimic is as much of a concern to me. It has really become quite dominant......even over the purple and the Vlamingi. They all get along, he just likes to move them around from time to time. We'll see.

Thanks Jim! I think it will be a good match. I'll get pics up when it is in the display. Likes to hide when I open the doors to the lower cabinet. It comes out when I take a step or two back, but not when I am close. It's warming up pretty fast though, so I think it will be pretty social once comfortable.
Got the Vlamingi out this morning and delivered to Aquarium Concepts. Now officially residing in their 1800 gallon Cylindrical tank.

Put the Epaulette Tang in and took a little video. Turned out better than any video I have taken. Maybe I am learning. Anyway, I am trying to Embed it, however it doesn't show on the Preview, so if the Embedding doesn't work........just click this link.. [YouTube]J-7y2sr-6Cw[/YouTube]
Video fixed...when trying to embed a YouTube video do the following:

1. [YouTube]
2. embed code (in your case) J-7y2sr-6Cw
3. Followed by [/YouTube]

...nice addition by the way. :)
Kensington Reefer said:
That's there is some good $h!+

Thanks Erin, Tangs became fast friends. Can't believe what an easy transition it was.

THANK YOU JIM!! I'll still screw it up, but I was wondering how to get it to work. I'll try that next time. Thanks.
Just wanted to share a simple trick that has really helped get me organized. A simple Calendar grease board. This will work for any month and you can change the day the first of the month is, and it adjusts for many different lengths of months. Been using it for several months now and it has REALLY helped. I'm sure you all have something like this, but for those who might not have thought of it. Here it is.


My fish room (kinda). Still haven't hooked up the calcium reactor yet.

My SRO Ext6000 skimmer. If you have ever considered an SRO.......I recommend 100%. Pumps are quiet and efficient and this is a beast. Cleaned every 2 days. Seen here after 2 days.