9 months old, 24 lbs, 29", so eating is not a problem. Like my tank, I feed her often, with lots of different foods and let her eat what she can. She is crawling and pulling to stand, so I think I will just keep a baby gate on my office to keep her out at all times and away from the tanks.
I keep her dry from the reef (euro brace), but she loves looking at the tanks.
Got some cool fish lately, and added a few chunks of montipora to get the consumption of minerals going. I can post pics and video when I get back from the bay.
Interesting chemistry thing. I put some ARF in early on (likely too much) and I believe the super high phosphate prevented the calcium and alkalinity from continuing to metabolize, so as soon as I brought the phosphate down, my calcium shot up to 600+. It is possible there is a testing error with the trident because I haven't calibrated it yet and my alkalinity is in the right range. I know I need to use my hanna to check if the trident number is real. In the meantime, montipora is robust and will soak up minerals so I am starting with those now. Had my big carpet be happy for 2-3 months, but then it walked into a powerhead and is no more. The skimmer was putting in overtime then, and continues to do good work with the number of fish I have now. Phosphates are back to a reasonable range but I used up almost a whole bottle of lanthanum chloride in the skimmer over 2 weeks. I might use my last dosing head to dose a diluted lanthanum chloride solution. I know Mr Ross used to do that, and a few other members might as well. If not, then it will dose amino acids.
@derek_SR , you still dosing LC in your skimmer?