Well this was a horrible day
First got 2 tanks as holding tanks, the plan was to just plumb them to my sump so i can take my time, let the heaters/protein skimmer run the tanks... yeah so first tank, a nice 80g with an external overflow was first up, beat myself up for a couple hours figuring what to do. Finally I figured something out, drilled a hole in the side my stand because screw it! started filling it up with water, and about 6 inch worth of water I noticed a leak... SERIOUSLY! Oh fuckitall... ok that plan down...
Next up, a long short tank... no problem I could get quite a few corals in there, maybe a tang, and ... yeah I couldn't get a drain speed that I liked, even on my pumps lowest setting... spend an hour trying to dial it in... then fuckitall! Plug up the drains and I'm just going to put stuff in there with a heater and a pump and fix this quick style.
I misplaced my Naoke wrasse some how, it was in the tank when the tank was only about half full, then I pulled rocks out to put in the other tank and sure enough... no idea where it went, I'm going to hope it was hiding in a rock somewhere or something. Otherwise... you guessed it... fuckitall!
Also found 4 aiptasia hiding in places I can't normally see, that's going to be the straw I think if they come back, I chopped off all the rock they were on, one was in the sand... but yeah, one upside to this if I found them, and dealt with them.
In moving things around I was going to put the completely full skimmer cup into the sink,,, and of course some of it spilled out on me causing me to jerk, and then the entire cup spilled on me... yup fuckitall it's one of those days.
I managed to drain all the water, scoop out a bunch of sand (snails are gonna die), and use a shop vac to get most all the water I could. So now I'm tired, my back hurts and I'm sure it's going to hurt a lot more tomorrow. But tomorrow I'm going to see if I can't pry up the panels, then move the tank and plug it up. My hope is that the weight of the tank didn't embed itself into the tank stand, making it a PITA to move, as it is it's a 200 gallon glass tank, it's going to be hard to move.
Overall though... I think I would have given up on the tank if we weren't sheltering in place, would have sold all the SPS, the tangs, and given the tank away, I was that done with it, I am that done with it. Hopefully things survive, otherwise yeah I'm done with that tank. A long time ago I emergency moved my entire LPS collection to an old acrylic tank, most everything RTN'd by the next morning, if that happens again I'm throwing it all away.