Hey all! I am new to the hobby, and thought that it would be a good idea to keep a journal of my tank! I previously had a 5 gallon tank when I was a bit younger, but was way too impatient and it never worked out. Fast forward a year or two and I got back into the hobby thanks to my good friend John. Who has been super helpful, so shoutout to you John! After being patient, through, and attentive, I now have some of my first corals in my tank. I hopefully plan to keep the updated as much as possible.
-Fluval 13.5 Gallon Tank
- AI Prime 16hd light on Metal Mount
- InTank Media Basket
- using ChemiPure Blue Nano packets
-Hygger 1600GPH Wavemaker
- AutoAqua Smart ATO micro
All on a nice wooden stand from PetSmart
2 really nice Clowns that are a pair
2 coral bandit shrimp
4 hermit crabs
4 snails
I’ll keep this post updated with the coral I get as I am still setting it up now!
Thank you all, and feel free to throw suggestions my way!