Cali Kid Corals

New Forum Software

I have noticed that some of the pics in threads are showing up a slinks instead of pics. When viewing to edit they show a sizing code, but that code seems to prevent them from loading

I tried to fix one in my sons thread and the pics got huge.

Maybe you can let me know what to do'

Here is the link (you will see code only at the top, then super big pics, then the freshly loaded stuff in the last post which looks fine
THat is because the image posting format changed and the old format doesn't work the same under drupal. Drupal uses HTML and not the short hand html.
I really hate to do this, because I know the work that's gone into making this work, but I need to mention bug reports right?? :D

Clicking on a link takes you to that link in the same window, doesn't open up a new one.
I like the new site.

Recent posts is cool. However...

Okay come on you knew there would be one didn't you? :D

Is there any way when the recent posts come up it can show which section of the forum it's coming from i.e. Eutrophic Zone, Photography, Reef Talk, etc.?
Raddogz said:
Is there any way when the recent posts come up it can show which section of the forum it's coming from i.e. Eutrophic Zone, Photography, Reef Talk, etc.?

I too used that A LOT on the old forums. (same with "last poster" to a thread). This is on her "to do" list. Over all, the migration went very well (go Erin!). Just has a few little finer points to work on like the one you mentioned)
Great job, Erin. I like this new site so far.

Roc said:
I have noticed that some of the pics in threads are showing up a slinks instead of pics. When viewing to edit they show a sizing code, but that code seems to prevent them from loading

I tried to fix one in my sons thread and the pics got huge.

Maybe you can let me know what to do'

Here is the link (you will see code only at the top, then super big pics, then the freshly loaded stuff in the last post which looks fine

It appears that the drupal bbcode filter doesn't handle sizes for images. You can use HTML syntax instead.
So instead of this:

You can do:
<img width=300 height=200 src="http://path/to/image.jpg"/>
Gomer said:
Raddogz said:
Is there any way when the recent posts come up it can show which section of the forum it's coming from i.e. Eutrophic Zone, Photography, Reef Talk, etc.?

I too used that A LOT on the old forums. (same with "last poster" to a thread). This is on her "to do" list. Over all, the migration went very well (go Erin!). Just has a few little finer points to work on like the one you mentioned)

Yep. It's on my list. I agree that it's a great thing to have!
sfsuphysics said:
I really hate to do this, because I know the work that's gone into making this work, but I need to mention bug reports right?? :D

Clicking on a link takes you to that link in the same window, doesn't open up a new one.

I don't know that I consider that a bad thing.

Regardless, I don't think it's an easy thing to configure. Will shift-click (or whatever it is in your browser) work for now?
pixelpixi said:
This will make it so that, once again, the forums and other primary site content are handled by the same software. In the future, there are exciting new features we hope to provide using this platform

This allows us not to have to deal with coordination problems between the website and the forums.

Also, Drupal add-ons don't require patches and hacks to the core software. This makes system maintenance, upgrades, and expansions easier and more stable, with less likelihood of breakage when updates are necessary.

This is part of setting up club stuff to be easily sustainable.

As best as I can explain anyway, being a non-web/forum/software type of techie.

Here's some Drupal stuff:
I am really liking the new site now (sans a coupld of items which Erin has already said she is addressing)

not that it matters a lot in the grand scheme of things but are post counts going to be reinstated? I ask mainly cuz I know sometimes for new reefers (not that I think this is good practice) look at advice they get from ppl with little to no posts as not being as valuable as members with higher post counts. I am guilty of this in the past and just thought I would throw it out there.....
Mr. Ugly said:
This looks cool:

I'd suggest looking into taggin or taxonomy modules. Books are a bit clumsy to administer.
I use it for my intranet and it gets out of hand quickly.
Erin, is it possible in our user setting to have more then 10 messages displayed when looking at the most recent posts?