Our mission

New product reveal!

We WANT other companies to be able to integrate with Apex. Kessil will be controllable through Apex shortly. Sicce is almost done as well. There are other companies that are working towards integration with Apex as well. We will release more information as they are closer to testing.
I’m looking forward to this. Glad to hear it is still a priority at Neptune. Obviously it costs dollars and effort to make these integrations happen, but I think your customers appreciate it.
How many other lights have you used over the years in order to compare and make this determination?
To add to this any light could be called the Cadillac of LED fixtures. I’m still using the AI Vegas and there growing corals great. You might be able to say that is the Cadillac of LED fixtures since it’s been running for such a long time and their still working.
For that matter I don’t think anyone thinks of Cadillac as the Cadillac of cars anymore :)

I like that fact that everyone has different preferences and that we have various choices.
Why would you think that!?!

We are never about sole exclusivity. We WANT other companies to be able to integrate with Apex. Kessil will be controllable through Apex shortly. Sicce is almost done as well. There are other companies that are working towards integration with Apex as well. We will release more information as they are closer to testing.

I think that because it’s been a long time since I saw any progress on the kessil integration effort. They coupled with the fact that kessil is now a competitor to the sky product line.

Usually those two actions are a strong indication in buissness that your going to stop supporting it. Really most buissness operates this way. It makes sense. Drive the competitor out of your Eco system then upsell them on products that integrate better. You double dip on the money pot.
I think that because it’s been a long time since I saw any progress on the kessil integration effort. They coupled with the fact that kessil is now a competitor to the sky product line.

Usually those two actions are a strong indication in buissness that your going to stop supporting it. Really most buissness operates this way. It makes sense. Drive the competitor out of your Eco system then upsell them on products that integrate better. You double dip on the money pot.
Kessils are being tested in our facility right now. They need to work on some issues before this can be released. Bear in mind that this is not just on our end, Kessil is actively involved.

We don't work that way. We want you to be successful. If you choose to use a different pump, different light etc, we want to help you be successful. We understand that our solutions don't fit every situation and it would arrogant to think that everything we make is suitable for everyone in every situation. For eg, if you have a system that has a basement sump or a sump that is very far away from the DT, the COR may not be the correct application for it. A pump like an Abyzz or a high pressure Red Dragon may be better. And both pumps can be integrated into Apex for control.
For that matter I don’t think anyone thinks of Cadillac as the Cadillac of cars anymore :)

I like that fact that everyone has different preferences and that we have various choices.
As a Cadillac owner, I demand you take this back immediately.
Nice lights, but for the price, I will stick with my 8 bulb t5 fixture. I can’t justify spending 3K to change to LED. I can do 15 years of t5 bulb changes for that price. I think LED lighting is overpriced and always tries to emulate t5 anyways. Energy savings isn’t much either.
Kessils are being tested in our facility right now. They need to work on some issues before this can be released. Bear in mind that this is not just on our end, Kessil is actively involved.

We don't work that way. We want you to be successful. If you choose to use a different pump, different light etc, we want to help you be successful. We understand that our solutions don't fit every situation and it would arrogant to think that everything we make is suitable for everyone in every situation. For eg, if you have a system that has a basement sump or a sump that is very far away from the DT, the COR may not be the correct application for it. A pump like an Abyzz or a high pressure Red Dragon may be better. And both pumps can be integrated into Apex for control.
And this is why I will keep buying Neptune products. Isn’t this how we want all companies to think? It should be rewarded.
From Marc Levenson @ Melev's Reef

From Don Martin (he is NSI)
Hmm so this is $869.00. A used Kessil AP700 (IMHO comparable) is going used for $450.00 ish. A new Kessil A9X is going for 839.00 . I would consider these to be the closest competitors. Really what makes this better than the a9x. It seems based on the video ( and the very obvious graphics showing how "bad" other companies designs were) that's the target audience.

- Randy
This a an (almost) age old debate, and you're probably not going to score a whole lot of points on this board with an antagonistic attitude about it. Nepteun is not only a local company that supports this club better than any other company, but the club also has some of it's oldest members that work there and many are friends with.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with the discussion if you're not antaonistic and remain civil -- and are willing to be open to learning new things.

First. your supposition that the Sky Light is meant to compete mostly with a Kessil is silly. Kessil's are popular lights (and the company is also local and supports this club), but many full out SPS reefers don't use them, and it appears that the Sky Light is more targeted to compete with some of the other popular choices among SPS reefers (among others.)

I suspect this light will compete well with the Orphek Atlantik V4 for instance which for many SPS reef tanks is considered the Lamborghini of lights. BRS just a year or so ago reviewed it as the best LeD light they'd ever reviewed. It performed better than the comparable Kessils. There's other lights that have always performed well that the Sky Light will compete with as well. Radions, Mitras, AI 64's, T5's, etc.

I am curious (admittedly a trait that is often my downfall) though how you came to your conclusion that Kessil's are the best? Again just curious what brought you to that conclusion.
The 9x has 2 point light sources spread out, very much similar to my AP700s. It has excellent blending and shimmer. However due to the point light source, light angles are extreme, resulting in deep shadows under overhangs and other corals.

If the graphic convinces you the other companies have 'bad' designs when compared to what our light does, that's your prerogative I guess.
The 9x has 2 point light sources spread out, very much similar to my AP700s. It has excellent blending and shimmer. However due to the point light source, light angles are extreme, resulting in deep shadows under overhangs and other corals.

If the graphic convinces you the other companies have 'bad' designs when compared to what our light does, that's your prerogative I guess.
Which is one of the reasons that Orphek's found such immediate acceptance with high-end reefers, and became a "go-to" light. It appears the Neptune light will compete well with that light, and it's MaP pricing is a couple hundred dollars cheaper than Orphek's.
The 9x has 2 point light sources spread out, very much similar to my AP700s. It has excellent blending and shimmer. However due to the point light source, light angles are extreme, resulting in deep shadows under overhangs and other corals.

If the graphic convinces you the other companies have 'bad' designs when compared to what our light does, that's your prerogative I guess.

Its not really my prerogative at all. it's what the ad you linked everyone here to shows. Other members have pointed it out already too so not going to beat a dead horse.

Hopefully someone will show a side by side comparison of SKY vs AP9x. I think a lot of people are going to be making this comparison. Similar price point etc.

- Randy
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Its not really my prerogative at all. it's what the ad you linked everyone here to shows. Other members have pointed it out already too so not going to beat a dead horse.

Hopefully someone will show a side by side comparison of SKY vs AP9x. I think a lot of people are going to be making this comparison. Similar price point etc.

- Randy
You brought it up. Not me.

What the video does is point out the difference. If by pointing out the difference, it now makes you feel the other lights are 'bad', then it is your prerogative.

Is the AP9x a great light? Yes, absolutely.

Here's another insight I'm surprised no one has pointed out yet. I still run AP700s on my home tank. If the SKY is that much better, why haven't I switched being that I work for the company and all !?!
You brought it up. Not me.

What the video does is point out the difference. If by pointing out the difference, it now makes you feel the other lights are 'bad', then it is your prerogative.

Is the AP9x a great light? Yes, absolutely.

Here's another insight I'm surprised no one has pointed out yet. I still run AP700s on my home tank. If the SKY is that much better, why haven't I switched being that I work for the company and all !?!

Well I am going out on a limb why you didn't switch.... You would have to pay for the sky even if it's at a killer price internally as an employee.
Well I am going out on a limb why you didn't switch.... You would have to pay for the sky even if it's at a killer price internally as an employee.
While I would have had to pay for them, that isn't why.

I'm a skeptic of all things new. Even through the whole development phase of the Trident and now the SKY, I keep asking is it really necessary or is it really better?

Oops.. posted too early.

...... I was 1 of the last in the office to get a Trident. And I'm the last in the whole company (including personal stationed outside of Ca) to get a SKY.

When I finally got my Trident, I went from a skeptic to testing 24 times a day even though I was supposed to run only 4 (I did get some talking to for it because reagents were not plentiful at that time)

With the SKY, I've seen 1st hand tanks going from Kessil 360s, Philips Coral Cares and Radions to SKYs. I've seen the proof in the pudding as they say. So I will get SKYs for my office tank and will switch from AP700s to SKYs for the home tank in the near future.
While I would have had to pay for them, that isn't why.

I'm a skeptic of all things new. Even through the whole development phase of the Trident and now the SKY, I keep asking is it really necessary or is it really better?

I myself don't link buying the first iteration of a product car etc. It's like you're paying to beta test.