Cali Kid Corals

Pixel's 65 Gallon

It's been a while since I've posted an update, and wow, a lot has changed!

For starters, I turned the cabinet under the tank where the sump usually goes into a second display tank! My goal is for the upper tank to be a more traditional mixed reef and to make the lower tank more of a lagoon/macroalgae environment. It's all plumbed together so that the upper tank flows into the lower tank which flows into the sump in the closet behind them.

After getting the second tank all plumbed in and set up, I took on a complete re-aquacape. In the end I used only one piece of the old rockwork. All the rest is new live rock from Aquatic Collections.

With the rock work in the main tank I built tall tree-like forms. I wanted a very open somewhat minimalist look, similar to that well known "bonsai tree inspired" aquascape, though admittedly mine is less minimalist than that. I'm also trying to pay close attention to color as I place corals. I'm trying to group similar colors together so that corals play off each other rather than looking super bright and busy, as densely packed reefs often do. I'm not totally happy with coral placement yet, but it's a start.

In the bottom tank, I'm trying to achieve an open lagoon environment. I've kept the rockwork pretty minimal and planted the sandbed with several types of macro. I'm running warmer lights on that tank to complement the different environment.

Well that's enough talk. On to the pictures!

Full Tanks Shot!

Upper Tank

Lower Tank

Ledge in the upper tank showing localized use of only greens and purples.

Side View

Side View

Cabinet (with flash. actinics only in upper at this point)
Ha! I like it. I was contemplating doing something similar but didn't really want to up the electrical usage for lighting a secondary tank.

Is that a home made calcium reactor on top of the tank?
Nice setup and creative use of the stand to make another display tank. The top tank reminds me of 3 big mushrooms with corals growing on top. :bigsmile: Do you have a fuge or is the macroalgae/ lagoon going to function as the nutrient export?
Thanks guys!

Yep, that's a home made calcium reactor. I need to build a facade to hide the calcium reactor and other gear behind. I haven't gotten around to it yet, though. I also just realized I have wires hanging over the edge and running down the front. I have no real reason for that except laziness.

I do grow some chaeto in the sump that's in the closet. I'm hoping that once they're grown in the other macros will help out with that too.
Top tank is actually brighter but bluer. I'm running a 250W radium for the top tank and a 96w Quad PC for the lower. The last pictures has just the VHO actinics on up top.
My swap picks and dbtc transactions from today. Recording them here before I forget what they are!

Swap Picks:
Green Crocette Zoas (Ibn)
Huge Brown Torch
acro abrotanoides? (tuberider)
another acro labeled "Pick Me!" (how could I not?) (tuberider)
Mini Carpet (tuberider)

Agaricia Agaricites (Green Marine)

RBTA (Eight)
Blue Chalice (JAR)
Strombus Snails (glee)