High Tide Aquatics

That's the last time my mom visits my brother

He'll be fine they're only calling for a 6' rise, higher ground is the place to be.

Mom was going to be flying out tomorrow, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. I know my brother well enough to have confidence that he has secured enough booze and cured pork products by now to sustain them for a while, but I still can't get over the 8.8 thing, holy shit that's huge.
Yikes man that sucks, is the major damaged basically localized? (within a city or two out) or did that tsunami that was triggered do some damage too?
Yea, that's nuts man. Glad to hear everyone is ok. I got a text from my friend on Maui around 8AM sayin the tsunami sirens we're waking everyone up.

I can't imagine 8.8...or I can but don't really want to.
Yeah the east coast of the big island and maui might be the biggest issues, the other islands should be fine since their being 'shielded" but then again I'm by no means an expert on wave dynamics, they could wrap around the island for all I know :D Plus depends how flat the island is, I know on Maui there's that really flat part that cuts right through the island. Hopefully no one trying to take the "Road to Hana" out of there! :O

But yeah 8.8, yikes... CNN is saying 500x more energy than Haiti's
sfsuphysics said:
Yikes man that sucks, is the major damaged basically localized? (within a city or two out) or did that tsunami that was triggered do some damage too?

The tsunami has hit a a few Pacific Islands, but it's still hard to judge, captains have been reporting short interval (for a tsunami at least) pluses.

AFA the earthquake, it was an 8.8, people thousands of miles away felt it. Most of the newer buildings like my brothers apartment are built to higher standards than our wimpy California standards, that said the destruction is crazy bad. I don't know whether to pull the futon out for my bro or go down and help him keep his place from getting looted, I'm pretty sure he needs to stay down there for sin dios ni late, the show is pretty important and is much needed right now.
sfsuphysics said:
Yeah the east coast of the big island and maui might be the biggest issues, the other islands should be fine since their being 'shielded" but then again I'm by no means an expert on wave dynamics, they could wrap around the island for all I know :D Plus depends how flat the island is, I know on Maui there's that really flat part that cuts right through the island. Hopefully no one trying to take the "Road to Hana" out of there! :O

But yeah 8.8, yikes... CNN is saying 500x more energy than Haiti's

Tsunamis can carry a tremendous amount of sideband energy due to the huge interval, they can wrap and get into all kinds of nooks that conventional waves cannot. Look at it like this, during large swell events HMB harbor is placid, during a tsunami there is enough energy to push a tremendous amount of water into the harbor because the period doesn't back off and wane, it just keeps pushing.
Yeah if an 8.8 hit here I'm sure at least half of SF would be in ruins not to mention most other cities in the bay, I mean hell all the earthquake retrofit stuff they've been doing is only built to withstand an 8.0 quake. Scary crap that can happen when that much energy gets unleashed.
Just spoke with my brother and he says they have about 2 hours to evacuate left and is heading to higher ground with his wife and 2 kids. The Hilo side of the big island is likely to get the brunt of it but there can be a big wrap around effect. Said that they did a bunch of work after the 1960 Tsunami hit Hilo including putting in a tsunami break but no one knows how well it will hold. He lives off a point just south of Hilo so there and there are some pretty high cliffs that will hopefully do some to minimize the effect but said in about 4 -5hours or so they should know for sure what has happened and will likely be let back to check thing sout.

AFA the quake in Chile, glad to hear your family is fine J and hope everything works out well. I can't even imagine the kind of devistation I am reading about.
Well I hope everyone in Hawaii will be ok, and those who are Chile and the surrounding areas that were hit, I hope they'll be ok. Without water & electricity it might be rough.
Glad to hear your family is OK. Ya, 8.8 is unimaginable to me.
My ex's dad lives on the beach on Kauai. Hope his place is OK.
J, your place here would be OK if we get a little wave from it??
patchin said:
J, your place here would be OK if we get a little wave from it??

Yep, I'm above the tsunami evacuation zone by about 40', I have a few friends that may make the trip up here to the house. I suspect they'll stay though, most of them love action.

I think Hawaii will be OK, the interval doesn't look like one big flood rather a few pulses.