EXTREMELY easy to scratch.
Shortly after getting married, when Bryan was over I wiped some smudge off the acrylic with left hand... saw some scratches I didn't notice so did it again... whoops my wedding ring scratched the glass. I don't have a sand bed, but there are some Zorro type horror stories with that as well. Also if you're making frags and using I-C-Gel near the tank be careful... a splotch on the acrylic and you're stuck.
The upside is acrylic is easy to sand, however it is labor intensive, glass you're pretty much screwed if you scratch it, but you have to try to scratch it.
Weight really is only an issue when putting the tank into position, and if you have enough friends (or BAR members) it's less of an issue. The weight of the water in the tank (with a some exceptions) more than outweighs the weight of the tank, so stress on the floor IMO isn't an issue, and if it is any issue then you're really living on the edge as it stands with an acrylic tank on that floor (i.e. buff up your floor!). And the "they're light" fable depends upon the tank. I had a 100g tru-vu that I could easily move around by myself sure, however that was VERY thin acrylic, a tank made out of beefier acrylic can get to be quite heavy.