The 70's gas prices are about all the "Baby Boomers" can complain about. Problem is they are the biggest cop-out group of people to ever have inhabited this planet.
Peace and love is what they said, everyone must get along is what they said, mother earth is what they cried about, what they did was hypocritical. 1972 was the lowest birthrate generation since the depression, my mother had people say very nasty things when she was pregnant with me just going to the supermarket. People knew these problems would arrive 30 years ago. Now were back to the "Babies are soooo cool" attitude, great however it's just another consumer when it comes to our "growth based" society. Daniel Quinn said "an effort to feed a starving population results in an increased staving population". That is the root of the problem, we can talk about semantics, and trust me I can do it all day. But that is the problem, too many people and not enough resources, duh.
AFA gas tax in Ca, it is based on gallons not percentage, we should have a look at that. Oh yeah we should look at prop 13 too, but it's not going to happen, the cop out boomers would never take one for the team even if they have kids, it's all about them, they buy organic food and think that will save our doomed planet. Try and defend the boomer population you will only get mired in the discussion on how worthless the current generation of kids are, and that is a reflection of how selfish a generation that has had everything handed to them can be, and passes that attitude down.
Flame me all you want, I grew up in the Bay Area and could see the coastal range, and the snow capped Sierras from my home in the valley, now all I can see from there is crap spewed from those that thought that "getting ahead" was a good thing. It's more than just stupid gas prices, it's way more complicated then that.