Reef nutrition

What are the benefits of DJ Panels?


Supporting Member
I've always been confused about why people spend money on DJ Panels, when they can just get a powerstrip? What does a DJ Panel have that powerstrips don't? How about if you have a controller with DC8's?
I like it because I can easily power on and off such items like my auto top off, oceans motion pump, my OM, light to the sump area. Much easier to control this with a switch rather then pulling the plug if it was on a power strip. Unless you have a power strip with individual switches, which is basically a dj power panel.

I have one in addition to the profilux, which controls the rest of the system.
The other benefit aside from individual outlet control is that you can easily see if a pump is on based on the light on the switch.
I have a DJ strip w/ dc8s.

Everything that requires timing/controlling is on the DC8 (lights, dosing pumps, heaters, etc).

Things that are on 24hrs or are only used periodically on the strip (Return pump, in tank pumps, skimmer pumps, under cabinet light

It's much easier to flip a switch to individually turn things on and off, the light on the switch lets me know what's on, and with some tape labels it's easy to know what switch is what. So turning off pumps is easy and safe, no dripping hands pulling on a plug potentially dripping water in it, etc. Plus the constant unplugging and plugging in of a cord can damage it.
Gomer said:
one advantage IMO. You can turn off each device with a flip of a switch rather than unplugging it.

Yup. Which also means it is easier to describe to a non-owner if there is an emergency while you are away.
Yup, that's pretty important. Went I went over to check on Hiep's tank, being able to tell which cord goes to what was tremendously helpful.
I have a DJ panel on each of my tanks. It makes it extremely convenient and all when doing water changes or maintenance. Don't need to worry about tracking a wire to a certain outlet on a power strip -just flip and a switch to control power to a certain piece of equipment! Doesn't get much easier than that :)
because most all power strips are not rated for continues usage, are pron to failure and even can catch fire and are generally made far far in superior to that of a DJ power strip. And so you can turn stuff on and off without unplugging :)
FWIW I have seen two house burn to the ground and several others the had a fire and all had power strips running. Both the burned to the ground had no one home. The others had people home who caught it in time.
Dj power strips are great I have mine running my skimmeratoreturn pumpvortechscarbon reactor everything else is going through the aquacontroller. The 25 bucks was worth it.
alex007 said:
Dj power strips are great I have mine running my skimmeratoreturn pumpvortechscarbon reactor everything else is going through the aquacontroller. The 25 bucks was worth it.
What kind do you like and where do you get them?
Great tip! Now I need one. :)
Chauvet is what most seem to use. They're on the cheaper side of DJ power strips, have blue instead of red indicator lights and are easily gotten. I used to be a DJ and still have major ties into the industry so I got mine via a friend at a kicking discount :lol:
GreshamH said:
Chauvet is what most seem to use. They're on the cheaper side of DJ power strips, have blue instead of red indicator lights and are easily gotten. I used to be a DJ and still have major ties into the industry so I got mine via a friend at a kicking discount :lol:
Hook me up dude! :bigsmile:
This one?

Or 2 of these?|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1205|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

Or one of these?

This is the one I use