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  1. roostertech

    Clownfish / Anemone ratio

    Well, not sure if there are any specific ratio. In this tank, it's about 20 fishes per nem?
  2. roostertech

    Chaeto or GFO? What would you do?

    My chaeto never tumbled. It just sit in a 5g tank with a light right on top http://www.bareefers.org/forum/threads/my-first-reef-redsea-525xl.19615/page-14#post-301282 Upper right, ATO is converted to chaeto fuge. I take some out when it get too dense. 2 weeks harvest
  3. roostertech

    Neptune news from MACNA

    Even if it is very very easy to do backward compat, its dev time + qa time + support time = spend more resource to get less $$ :D
  4. roostertech

    Chaeto or GFO? What would you do?

    I run both. With chaeto alone my nitrate was none existence but phosphate keep on rising.
  5. roostertech

    Neptune news from MACNA

    Reason: $$$$ This would the killer product that would make everyone upgrade to the new platform. That way they can charge it for a reasonable amount and still have credible financial story. Also with more people on newer platform, someday they can EOL the old one. As SW dev, doing backward...
  6. roostertech

    Neptune news from MACNA

    Yeah from the interview you can test whatever frequency you want, the sample frequency is only to describe what is a "month" supply good for.
  7. roostertech

    Neptune news from MACNA

    From interview with Terence Target Q1 2018 for NSI, Q2 for GA Price range - $500-$600 2 months reagents - $40 Supply cost is for the test frequency below, you can go more/less 4 alk tests per day 2 cal tests per day 2 mag tests per day oh and work ONLY with apex 2016 $$$...
  8. roostertech

    Fritz salt

    How could you commit such blasphemy. Your mixing container will blow up from this unholy union.
  9. roostertech

    BARs Regional Frag Swap Official Rules and Info

    Isn't this it? On the first post Send money to the club's paypal account at paypal@bareefers.org
  10. roostertech

    Montipora battle - Setosa vs Nodosa

    Yep, some other acro-that-i-can't-name made it as well.
  11. roostertech

    Montipora battle - Setosa vs Nodosa

    Actually for a while the pokerstar didn't do much while Setosa was growing steady. And one day, it just went boom.
  12. roostertech

    Montipora battle - Setosa vs Nodosa

    They made contact, and the pokerstar (nodosa) is kicking ass. The setosa lost 1/4" of flesh from contact point. I'll have to cut back the pokerstar as I like setosa better.