Neptune Aquatics

Search results

  1. screebo

    Still alive and well

    As the song says, "Every now and then I know it's kinda hard to tell, but I'm still alive and well. Sorry I missed the meeting Saturday, I was running the dynamometer at work. Very cool work but strenuous. The tank's looking pretty darn good. The Kline's Bfly did an stupendous job of...
  2. screebo

    Fresh Water Top Off

    A while back........a LONG while........I bought a JBJ auto top off set up for a very affordable price. I think it was about $90. After a while I noticed that it's float switches would occasionally stick from salt and precipitate build up. I got in the habbit of grabbing the switch and it's...
  3. screebo

    Zapping aptasia, what I've learned "so far"

    I first heard about zapping aptasia from Reefbuilders forum and a pioneer in the field of building "zappers", Paul Baldassano. Here's the link to his original post on RC You may wish to take the time to read the whole thing. It's very...
  4. screebo

    Help me find one or two CBB's that are eating

    The tank's looking pretty good considering a lot of things. The aptasia are driving me wild. I still believe a Copper Band Butterfly or two would be the best solution for me. Please let me know if you get a line on one or two that are eating food. Thanks!
  5. screebo

    Where's Screebo?

    Sure, like "where's Waldo?" In case you've wondered why I don't spend a couple hours a day contributing to the forum, yep, it's my new job. I've averaged 50 hour weeks since I started as a temp in early December, became Permanent in late January and started working many Saturdays to meet...
  6. screebo

    Lighting change over

    My existing and somewhat successful lighting fixture is a Photon Plus that has two single end Mh 250 watt bulbs and six T5's. I bought it from Aquarium Specialties, one of the few suppliers that distribute it. Cost was $2K. It's a real energy hog and gets pretty hot. Hot enough to heat up my...
  7. screebo

    Save a coral eating blenny's life...........

    Here's a picture of a Ultra Cherry Bomb milli that looks like it's being eaten. My ORA Iris also looked like it was being pealed. Are those the dreaded "red bugs" I see? Please advise.
  8. screebo

    Pink eyed turquoise favia

    Nice frags for you..........remember that favia such as this extend sweepers about 2 1/2 to 3 inches and will sting other coral. This one came from O.T. a while back, likes medium current and lighting but is tolerant of various conditions. It's very hearty and was just sawed yesterday...
  9. screebo

    Featured Club Member Photos...Calling all BAR Members!

    You've seen the striking photos displayed on our home page and noticed that we need to add some new material. Please help me to kick start a renewal of our Featured Club Member Photo section of our web site. Photos need to be in .jpg format and NOT TOO BIG! I'll post more details about...
  10. screebo

    LED Lighting, yet another choice

    Kind of like I think we'll all be driving electric cars before too long, I think we'll all be using exclusively LED reef tank lighting "before too long". OK, sounds a little extreme but that's what my instincts are telling me. Several BAR members have been giving the application a good work...
  11. screebo

    Mysis Feast it is...........I've finally gotten a chance to try it and my fish are wild about it. Nice mix of small and larger mysis and the wonder elixir it's suspended in. Sure it's pricey but it does go a long way. I like it! :beer:
  12. screebo

    Blazing Purple and Green Favia

    This is a stunning coral that I'm reluctantly fragging. The color is the best of any favia I've seen in a long time and it's very hearty. WARNING! Once the colony reaches the size shown below, the sweepers can extend 3 1/2" from the colony. I've had it residing at the top of my reef with the...
  13. screebo

    Wednesday Night Blues Jammin' back at the Little Fox Theater in Redwood City

    For those of you reefin'-kinda-guys-n-gals that love the blues, a great opportunity has returned. The Little Fox Theater in Redwood City was a little known provider of great blues jamming over the last few years folded recently. The new owners recognized the quality of the musicians that...
  14. screebo

    Aptasia irradication strategies

    Has anyone had success keeping copper bands for more than a few weeks? Is anyone working on captive breeding butterflies? I would think that successful captive breading would greatly enhance survival. Just why is it that fish like butterflies, anthia, parots and moorish idols are so hard to...
  15. screebo

    Early New Year's resolution..

    I know it's a little early but I'd like each and every member of this club to make a New Year's Resolution to start taking regular update pics and post them to your tank threads. No matter what is happening in your tanks, we want to see it. We want to cheer you on for your successes and help...
  16. screebo

    R/C Helicopters

    Any other heli pilots out there? Well, radio controlled model helicopters, that is. Some of you may know that I have a bug about heli's that nearly matches my interest in reef keeping. I wondered if there are any other advanced (collective pitch) heli pilots in the group. In any case, if...
  17. screebo

    Two Part dosing and Ph

    I purchase my two part mix from BRS like many BAR members. I've got dosing ramped up pretty well to keep the CA at 400+ and aiming for 440. My carbonate hardness is always borderline "high" at about 12 or 13 and my Ph regularly hits 8.56 during the day. My instructions tell me to dose equally...
  18. screebo

    What's eating my cyphastrea!!!!

    Any ideas?
  19. screebo

    War "like" Coral

    "Looks like" Old School coral, bright and beautiful. Likely, a great the second hand.....if it moves in "ticks" it's not a Rolex. It must move smoothly ahead driven by it's self winding feature. I'm not even sure where I got it except it wasn't from some guy wearing a trench...
  20. screebo

    I love chalice

    Well, since I'm not a regular "chalice killer" any longer, I've come to really enjoy watching my chalice garden grow. Even some that looked like they'd succome to algae, lack of good conditions or whatever are now looking vibrant, puffy, and growing new perimeter growth. My "I wanna sex you...