Cali Kid Corals



Supporting Member
Non members do not have PM access thus if you send them one, they cannot reply.

Please do not PM me anymore. My email address shouldn't be hard for you to find....
BAYMAC said:
Non members do not have PM access thus if you send them one, they cannot reply.

Please do not PM me anymore. My email address shouldn't be hard for you to find....
harder to find now that you went all cloak and dagger with this account when you dropped your other real identity.
(especially since you said in a prior post under this account that multiple people use this account)
There might have been an attempt to contact you if Reef Nutrition wanted to sponsor the Breeding Workshop next month...but that's about it.
Oops, sorry G, forgot about the PM restrictions. I was hoping to have your help with a quick issue, but that has been resolved. Thanks for the reminder!
tuberider said:
Sorry man, its just that you stopped responding to my messages on friendster and I was worried :D

Best post EVER. I lost my Friendster login :(

Gomer said:
BAYMAC said:
Non members do not have PM access thus if you send them one, they cannot reply.

Please do not PM me anymore. My email address shouldn't be hard for you to find....
harder to find now that you went all cloak and dagger with this account when you dropped your other real identity.
(especially since you said in a prior post under this account that multiple people use this account)

Oh sure like none of them know who I am now, but hey, anything is possible :lol: He did address me by my name FWIW

gimmito said:
There might have been an attempt to contact you if Reef Nutrition wanted to sponsor the Breeding Workshop next month...but that's about it.

Huh, I got no such email, not even in my spam folder? We'd be happy to if the offer is still open.

lattehiatus said:
Oops, sorry G, forgot about the PM restrictions. I was hoping to have your help with a quick issue, but that has been resolved. Thanks for the reminder!

The only version I have is the vectorized version I made. The original was only supplied to us (BAR) via a very small file and we never were able to get anything larger from Russ (and he's loooong gone). If you want the vectorized version, I'll send it over. Just email me using my account.
sfsuphysics said:
Maybe it's a problem with a "mass PM" that's sent to all, I'm not sure if you can only send it to those with the members tag? *shrug*

BOD, ADMINS, MODS, etc can still PM none members, we just cannot PM back.
BAYMAC said:
Oh sure like none of them know who I am now, but hey, anything is possible :D He did address me by my name FWIW

My interpersonal relationships have been on the up and up ever since I stopped addressing people as "Hey what's-your-face!" :D
What is with the cryptic soap-opera threads lately?? :~
This one is really out there.
And the recent one about problematic fish maintenance service ... maybe ... or maybe not...

Although I have to admit being intrigued by the whole "Baymac man" mystery.
(The real mystery being why, since who is not a particularly well kept secret)

Ah well, makes things interesting.
rygh said:
Although I have to admit being intrigued by the whole "Baymac man" mystery.
(The real mystery being why, since who is not a particularly well kept secret)

Ah well, makes things interesting.

If he told you, he'd have to krill you...
rygh said:
What is with the cryptic soap-opera threads lately?? :~
This one is really out there.
Ah well, makes things interesting.

It's like a reality show and junior high school rolled into one convenient thread! :p
The real question for me is why a several times website sponsor rep can't get pm access as a perk.

But I always ask the hard questions. That's why I'm so unpopular.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Gresham had PM access on his other (original) account (GreshamH), and then asked to be removed as a sponsor for super secret reasons involving aliens and goats. PM privileges changed then. For other super secret reasons involving barber hair clippings and marshmallow peeps, he converted over to BAYMAC which was reported to be a shared account for the purpose of doing BAYMAC. BAYMAC is no more. For the rest, you'll have to ask Charlie the Unicorn. He keeps the secrets locked up in Candy Mountain.