High Tide Aquatics

Complete Bonus/Ultra Coral List - 2024 (REVISED AS OF 2/16/25)

@MarcosD I took @Srt4eric’s comment from this morning as responsive to yours. Sounds like for Q4, we were coming up to the holidays and a meeting had yet to happen, so there was some scrambling to find a time that worked for at least the BOD and a meeting was held on very short notice. Doesn’t sound like that’s the norm and it’s not the norm from what I can remember, though I’ve not attended many BOD meetings.
Yeah, maybe I’m just having a bad day lol. I was just trying to get my point across. I get the holidays are tough for everyone to make time. As long as we plan better going forward, im happy
I’m actually surprised they’re not recorded and posted. @Invictus is killing it with the minutes and is very detailed but I think it’d be cool to actually see the recording for those who missed the meeting
Recording and posting is probably something that can be done. As for the meeting in Dec it was last min as it was nearing the end of the year and the board at that time didn't plan it ahead of time enough and we just needed to squeeze one in before the end of the year according to our by laws. (Not sure if we call them by laws or just rules we operate by). Please don't come down on the board too hard when things like this happen. Life is always priority and sometimes can get overwhelming and they may not be able to allocate the time and planning toward the club throughout the whole year.

Concerns or ideas are better to be brought up in a thread rather than held for just the meeting. This helps keep it top of mind and brought to the whole club rather than just those who attend the meeting.
Just wanted to make sure my concern about that last minute BOD meetings was heard since I didn’t get a reply. That screenshot pretty much validated the point I was trying to make. That specific meeting that we had on 12/9 was starting to planned on 12/6. If this was public to supporting members and I could’ve seen we were planning a few days before I could’ve gotten a heads up and planned for it. Or at least we should plan things ahead of time so we have more notice. Otherwise it’s not fair to ask us to join the BOD meetings if we want to have our voices heard. I recall asking about a Q4 meeting at least a couple weeks before this because I was interested joining, but unable to with a nights notice.
It wasn't nailed down till the day before. Going forward i will try my best to do a better job planning and announcing bod meetings. It's pretty much like herding cats behind the scenes trying to find a day where enough board members can make it to meet quorum.
It wasn't nailed down till the day before. Going forward i will try my best to do a better job planning and announcing bod meetings. It's pretty much like herding cats behind the scenes trying to find a day where enough board members can make it to meet quorum.
Thanks Eric. Appreciate the effort. I know it’s not easy
All great ideas, but again it all comes down to who is willing to volunteer their time to make all this talk reality. Let’s see a show of hands who is willing to be on a Frag Swap Committee (FSC) with monthly 1hr meetings in the evenings?

Also, can the BOD meetings be recorded for those that can’t attend. Then have the link posted so we can watch it while doing tank maintenance lol
I think @Invictus started recording these so he could take better notes. Is that right @Invictus? Can we post them?
@MarcosD You aren’t being ignored and everyone agrees with you about last minute notice not being good. For the last meeting at my house, we didn’t even think about it maybe being a Board meeting also until right before. I was insanely busy with work and family stuff so I was pretty distracted. We figured since we’d have so many people for the event already it would sort of make up for the last minute part attendance-wise. Eric has already started a BOD thread wanting to try to schedule the next one.

Regarding recording Board meetings and publicly posting the video in its entirety- Generally this is not done for organizations that have Boards. I’m sure some do, but the vast majority don’t and I don’t think we should. The minutes give the important parts of the meeting. Anything else that is recorded and made publicly available is just fodder for excess liability and misinterpretation. Plus it constrains what we can talk about and if we can have frank conversations about sensitive topics, which we need to do sometimes. We are pretty informal at our Board meetings, but they are technically formal functions that being a nonprofit requires. They are not social gatherings or educational talks.

It’s not up to me anymore, but I’m just letting you know why we don’t currently.