@DaddyHook @Arvin R @Invictus @MarcosD
What if we did something like this. SOMEONE has to decide, since things can't be totally democratic, but the idea here is we identify a "committee" to align on which corals are Ultra. BAR members submit their petitions to a google sheet (I would be happy to maintain this, could perhaps hire
@dangalang to build it). The committee then simply signs off on each item and if it gets enough votes it gets an ultra designation, if not it doesn't. The "committee" could be sized such to make everyone comfortable in terms of transparency and representation.
We'd open this sheet up a month or two BEFORE the swap then close it out maybe a week before.
View attachment 66662
This sheet is public - and the first two columns are open for any supporting member entry. The voting columns are locked for the voting committee, of course, but visible to everyone. I'm sure
@dangalang can figure it out.