@DaddyHook You are not being ignored. This is how forums work, they are different than talking to someone face to face. People want to say their thoughts, not necessarily spend all their time reacting instantly to what every other person is saying. So don’t start taking things so personally.
Each time we have redone the lists we’ve asked for experts to volunteer their time to help. It is impossible to do everything by a 200 person committee, so individuals volunteer (or are volunteered) to do various jobs. Several of our list revisions have been done by non-board members. But it’s hard to get people who do a good job to want to do it more than once. Then we get criticized for not updating them more frequently.
The reason board members are often the ones doing the work is because they are the ones willing to do the work. The same factors that get them to volunteer for the board get them to volunteer to do other specific jobs. Then there’s a lot of people who have thoughts and opinions but disappear when actual hours of work are needed. Work that will be criticized later. It’s fine, people are busy. But it’s not a conspiracy.