Bruce Spiegelman
I can use the:Equipment that I likely won't use but have and will sell: clearly I buy too much!!! Somethings can go now and somethings I'll see how the setup looks in 2 weeks
AquaUV 25W sterilizer (2) with new bulbs
Tunze MAR 3182 Macro Algae Reactor
Radion XR30 Pro Gen 4 - sold
Neptune COR20//COR15 - I have 1 extra of each but will keep one for back up and/or run the UV
Ecotech L1 (2) - was gonna use them for return pumps. but will likely stick to COR20
EB832 (2) - one needs new PSU (should be in a box somewhere but I'm not likely to fix it)
Neptune Trident - will need to be sent to Neptune for trident replacement program
BRS 1.1 doser (2)
Neptune GRO
Kessil Mounting Arm (2)
Vortech Battery Backup (2)
Neptune DOS (3) - 2 sold/pending
Neptune DDR (2)
25 w sterlizer
The good EB832
Let me know what you want for them.