Reef nutrition

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Yes they are...about 40+ lbs each. It was fun lugging them up a ladder into the tank. I felt like I went to the gym after finishing the rockscaping.

Good talking w/ you today at the BOD meeting.
Looking good! Cant wait to see this beast up and running. Hows the tropic eden sand? Looks like you had very minimal cloudiness. Did you rinse it first prior to putting in the tank?
melly mel said:
Looking good! Cant wait to see this beast up and running. Hows the tropic eden sand? Looks like you had very minimal cloudiness. Did you rinse it first prior to putting in the tank?

Thanks Mel. I would definitely recommend the Tropic Eden sand. It doesn't blow around as easily and no rinsing required. It was a little cloudy for a day and that was it. You can get it at Premium Aquatics, but hurry they sell out fast.
Jim, do you happen to have a floor plan of your tank? I forget exactly how it was set up, did you just slide it behind an existing wall? Or did you build walls around it? I need some brain storming ideas because I'm a bit stuck.

I don't have the tank in our original floor plans b/c it would have had to go thru the planning commission. I did amend it later though. The tank is where the fireplace use to be (there should be some pictures of it in the first few pages of my thread). It's basically 2' inside the living room and 2' in the garage. Give me a call if you want to see it in person.

Yes, just a simple 2'x4' frame painted w/Kilz and wrapped in FRP.
Could you take a FTS with something to compare it to (can, bottle whatever)? looking at the pictures with the huge rocks it might as well be a 75g tank ;). Great to see it filled with saltwater!
jestersix said:
Sure looking good! Pictures just don't do the visual depth of this tank justice...

+1. Those rocks are 40lbs each!!! From the pic it looks like a 20 gallon tank with 5lb rocks. :D Still gotta check that beast out in person. :D
Stop the presses..... an Arnold sighting !

What, no props for saltwater ?? I'm going to have a to buy a mesoscope just for you can checkout the microfauna. :p
Re: Gimmito's 450 L-shaped display

Ammonia-1.0 ppm
Nitrite-0.5 ppm

Added 100 drops more (400 total) of ammonium chloride. Shooting for 3.0 ppm.
Cycle update:

Specific Gravity-1.026
Ammonia-1.0 (added 100 drops ammonium chloride)
Nitrite-0.2 ppm
Nitrate-100 ppm

Note: I'm trying to raise the ammonia slowly, but the Red Sea Test kit I'm using goes from 1.0-2.5 ppm, so it's hard to gauge.
Glad to see the Nitrite creeping up and I have a Nitrate reading already. :bigsmile:
Re: Gimmito's 450 L-shaped display
Cycle update:

Specific Gravity-1.026
Ammonia-0.5 (added 150 drops ammonium chloride)
Nitrite-1.0 ppm
Nitrate-250 ppm

Note: Nitrite & Nitrate are really starting to take off. :)