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Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank



I used a couple of wire suspension kits from Sunlight Supply and bought some 1/4" stainless steel nuts from OSH to secure them.


Here's a pic of the final product. I'm using Lumenmax Elite reflectors, Lumentek electronic/switchable ballast, & Ushio 14k se bulbs. I'm contemplating having a glass shop cut some low iron glass to protect the bulbs from splashes. Any thoughts ?
A meter may help you firm up your decision. I say that because you "may" want to throw away some flux at the start. Ive got the same setup and it's a boatload of light. A shield would take a little out, depending of course on thickness.
What numbers do you get.
How high are you planning to hang that rack?
Thanks Dave. I'm at 18" off the water right now...I'll have to play around with the height, but I'm getting a pretty good spread where it's at.
sfsuphysics said:
How close is that one rock on far left in the last picture? I worry about things too close to the glass and not being able to clean it properly

The top left rock is about 7" away from the acrylic and the bottom left rock is about 3-4" away. I have plenty of room to get a magnet cleaner in there. Although, coral placement will be a key when adding corals.

I noticed when I cam back from vacation that I was missing a couple of Seale cardinalfish. So, like most of us I checked if they jumped or in the overflows. Much to my surprise two of them hooked up and a male is mouth brooding !
LOL...I've had breeding pairs of Bangaiis and Pajama cardinalfish in the past and they always ended up being fishfood for the tank. I might be lucky this time if the angel doesn't have a liking to them. ;)
Both lights, and the breeding fish.
Probably end up as food, but who knows. Big tank, lots of hiding places.
An idea would be to put the breeding pair in the fuge for a bit.

Are those 400W each?
Wow, that is a lot of light. PG&E is going to love you.
Any algae yet? ;)