Our mission

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

I may come up Saturday for the NCRC Swap at AC. Any way of you getting them to Aquatic Collection before then?

Umm, hmm, maybe this is better for PM :D
Hey I could change it....

Fire Breathing robots
Monster trucks
Featuring "The 120" and the PLUMBING EXTRAVAGANZA
Dad took me to a monster truck rally when I was a wee little one, at the Cow Palace in fact! However we got there way early, saw trucks as they sat on the track, he didn't want to spend another $15 to feed me to wait around for them to crush cars though.. *grumble*
GreshamH said:
I could very well be wrong on how old it is.... I got it when Aquascene still had like a year left till it shut down. Anyone remember when that was?

wow that a million years ago.. thanks for reminding me.. I need to call him to check on some of my babies.. see it some of them are still alive..
drdoolittle said:
GreshamH said:
I could very well be wrong on how old it is.... I got it when Aquascene still had like a year left till it shut down. Anyone remember when that was?

wow that a million years ago.. thanks for reminding me.. I need to call him to check on some of my babies.. see it some of them are still alive..
Yeah O K,lmfao .:)We're try to warn you Tho

GreshamH said:
I may come up Saturday for the NCRC Swap at AC. Any way of you getting them to Aquatic Collection before then?

Umm, hmm, maybe this is better for PM :D

I think you guys "heisted" my build thread. ;)
nudibranch said:
Gimmito that tank looks great and I can't wait to see it when it is full of stuff.
Good meeting you the other day Leighton...let me know how that orange fugia works out for you. Maybe I'll see at the 680 tank tour.

gimmito said:
GreshamH said:
I may come up Saturday for the NCRC Swap at AC. Any way of you getting them to Aquatic Collection before then?

Umm, hmm, maybe this is better for PM :D

I think you guys "heisted" my build thread. ;)

Sorry... maybe you could ask a MOD to remove them :D
houser said:
seminolecpa said:
No thread is ever safe from derailment.
How is your pH down higher than your pH up???? 8.2 vs 8.39 WTF

ok no more heisting

Sounds like PH Sump and PH Display Tank to me :)

ooops, another rock on the track :D
Yep and was just having some calibration issues. Looks like they are on track now. BTW I am going to try to head over to AC today to drop off the bulkhead.



Here's some pic's of some nice fiji totoka live rock that I got from Patrick (FinalPhaze987). Some really large interesting pieces w/red & purple coralline. I'm cooking them right now while I get to installing those frp panels.