Neptune Aquatics

How many gallons total does BAR have? Post your total volume please

Well I tried to mentally add in the volume of rock a 180g + 55g sump minimal rock, sump about 75% full, plus big skimmer that adds another gallon or two to the mix, 10g frag tank hooked up (although I'm going to take it down soon), 80g tank + 30g sump.. so I figure 41g of live rock from my 300g estimate? I don't think I have that much in rock volume.
I'm trying to see which page people couldn't count past.... I give up. Smart idea that spread sheet was. That's what I call quick thinking. H)

Do we have a number to beat yet, or is CO. still counting too?
i lost track too where it ended but here goes
tank 1
display =90g

tank 2
display 72g
sump 15g

tank 3
frag tank = 180g

tank 4
frag tank =180g
tank 3 & 4 share sump =100g
grand total =667 gallons
nanoguy said:
Is there a rule of thumb on how to estimate actual tank water volume?

For a normal tank:
T= thickness of glass/acrylic in inches
D= water level drop below top edge of tank
H= outside height dimension of tank
W= outside width dimension of tank
L= outside dimension of tank
R= lbs of live rock and live sand
overflow: highly variable depending on type and numberr (guestimate it)

Volume in gallons = ((W-2T)*(L-2T)*(H-2T-D))/231 - R/23 - overflow "40g tank" has 3/8" acrylic, measures 36x15x16H, has no overflow, water level 1" below the top and about 25lb of rock and no sand

((36-2*0.375)*(15-2*0.375-1)*(16-2*0.375))/231 - 25/23 - 0 = 30 gallons

(you can just cut and paste the formula into google and replace the letters with appropriate numbers like so

Gresham, update me for 30 and 11
Thanks Tony - Thanks Nanoguy,

This has been a long standing question for me, and am so glad to finally see the formula laid out.

Much appreciated,